Robust and Interpretable General Movement Assessment using Fidgety Movement Detection.
Morais, Romero; Le, Vuong; Morgan, Catherine; Spittle, Alicia; Badawi, Nadia; Valentine, Jane; M, Elizabeth Hurrion; A, Paul Dawson; Tran, Truyen; Venkatesh, Svetha.
Video-based activity recognition for automated motor assessment of Parkinson’s disease.
Sarapata, Grzegorz; Dushin, Yuriy; Morinan, Gareth; Ong, Joshua; Budhdeo, Sanjay; Kainz, Bernhard; O’Keeffe, Jonathan.
A Probabilistic Approach to Blood Glucose Prediction in Type 1 Diabetes under Meal Uncertainties
Nϊρez, Felipe; Langarica, Saϊl; Rodriguez-Fernandez, Maria; Doyle III, Francis
Leveraging Summary Guidance on Medical Report Summarization.
Zhu, Yunqi; Yang, Xuebing Wu, Yuanyuan; Zhang, Wensheng.