Information Assurance and Governance, Healthcare Data Security and Privacy, Cyber Physical System (CPS) Security, Cloud-Assisted Internet of Things (IoTs) Security, Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN) Security.
Contactless sensing, wearable, implants, RF sensing, radar sensing, antennas, plant health, sensing, animal health, remote healthcare
Remote Healthcare Analytics, Smart Health Management, Real-time Data Analytics, Drug Discovery and Medical Data Processing using AI/ML techniques, Cloud/Serverless/Edge/Fog Computing for Healthcare, Machine/Deep Learning models for Early Disease Prediction, Distributed Machine Learning (Distributed Learning, Collaborative Learning, Federated Learning, Gossip Learning), TinyML, Transfer Learning, Explainable AI for Healthcare Informatics
Sensor and Ad hoc Networks, Cyber-Physical Systems, Future Internet, Internet of Medical Things, Artificial Intelligence in Medical Field, Machine Learning Algorithms for Medical Data Processing, and Medical Big Data Analysis.
Machine Learning (data and signals), Clinical outcome prediction (neurorehabilitation), Clinical decision support systems (neurorehabilitation), Wearable inertial sensors
Biomedical Engineering, Medical Devices, Biomedical Sensors, Ablation Therapy, Computer-aided Diagnosis Systems, Medical Imaging, Medical Image Analysis, Machine Learning, AI-Assisted Healthcare, Simulation and Modeling, Optimization Algorithms, Neutrosophic Theory, Smart Antenna, Target Tracking, and Direction of Arrival Estimation.
Clinical research informatics, clinical decision support, clinical pathways and clinical workflow optimization, healthcare information management, interoperability.
Neural Architecture Search, Embedded Systems, AI Deployment, PPG, sEMG, EEG, iEEG, Biosignal Processing, Embedded AI, Deep Learning.
Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, Predictive Modeling, Biological Networks, Machine Learning
Wearable biomedical Sensors, Medical intelligent diagnosis, Neurodegenerative diseases, Robot-aided diagnosis systems, Gait modeling and dynamics, Biomedical information fusion, Smart structures, Clinical health monitoring, Wireless sensor network, Machine/Deep learning.
Adaptive computational techniques with application to bio-signals (particularly, for cardiovascular applications), pattern recognition, modelling and Clinical Informatics.
Trustworthy AI, Medical Image Analysis, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Bioinformatics
Medical monitoring system, patient health monitoring, neonatal monitoring, brain activity monitoring, smart sleep, smart rehabilitation system, wireless body area networks, wearable sensor systems, internet of things, ambient intelligence, personalized and smart environment, smart sensor systems, and signal processing.
Bioinformatics, computational biology, systems biology, association prediction, computational model, microRNA, lncRNA, non-coding RNA, drug discovery, drug combination, complex disease, drug response prediction.
Healthcare Mechatronics, Medical Robotics, Computer-Assisted Surgery, Collaborative Robotics, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Machine/Deep Learning, and Biomedical Sensor Technologies.
Machine learning, mobile health, human behavior recognition and analysis, ambient assisted living.
Medical Informatics, Health Records, Internet of Things, Distributed Systems, Mobile and Distributed Computing, Sensors and Wearables, Interoperability, Ubiquitous Computing, Telemedicine, Intelligent Interpretation of Health Data, and Ontologies and Web Semantics.
Biomedical imaging, computational neuroscience, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), machine learning,deep learning, medical image processing, medical image analysis
Sensor Informatics –wearable, wearable and assistive devices for rehabilitation, well-being and ageing population, algorithms, wearable technology, digital mobility outcomes, gait/ walking, postural control, Parkinson’s disease.
Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Big data, Medical Imaging, Digital Pathology, Bioinformatics, Retinal Disease, Oncology, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Medical image analysis, Image segmentation, Image segmentation, Image registration, Image denoising and restoration, Generative models
Sleep Medicine, Polysomnography, Sleep Disorders, Respiration Signals, ECG, EEG, PPG, SpO2, Biomedical Signal Processing, Cardiorespiratory Coupling, Sleep Stages, Machine and Deep Learning, Prediction of Physiological Signals, Prediction of critical events and outcomes, Physiological monitoring, Predictive Modeling, Wearable Sleep Monitoring
Body sensor networks; smart point-of-care and wireless physiological monitoring devices embedded system design, autonomic sensing, wearable and assistive devices for rehabilitation, well-being and ageing population; Electronic health record; intelligent interpretation of health data, decision support systems, remote guidance and virtual reality applications in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Pervasive healthcare, wellness management.
Machine learning; Clinical decision support systems; Simulation and modeling; Biomedical signal processing; Predictive modeling; Clinical engineering; Mobile health systems; Mobile applications; Wearable biomedical sensors.
Clinical Engineering, Human Computer Interaction, Telemedicine, Electronic Health Records
Biomedical engineering, cardiovascular disease, fluid-structure interaction, biomechanics, bioinformatics, biomedical image processing, medical informatics, multi-scale modeling, data mining, software engineering, parallel computing, computational chemistry and bioprocess modeling.
Human-Machine Systems, Wearable Computing, Internet of Things computing and technology, agent-based computing, body area networks, wireless sensor networks, pervasive and cloud computing, multimedia networks, and mobile health systems.
Medical image analysis, medical image segmentation, machine learning, deep learning, multi-view/modal representation learning.
Medical image analysis, natural language processing, clinical decision support, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, scalable data-driven biomedical discovery, and high performance computing.
Embedded & Pervasive Systems, Algorithm Design, Context-Aware Computing, Cyber Physical Systems, Collaborative Processing, Design for Scalability & Robustness, Power-Aware Design, Computational Autonomy, Data Analytics, Transfer Learning, Mobile & Wireless Health, Fall Monitoring & Prevention, Sports Training.
Biomedical signal analysis, Machine learning, Wearable and assistive devices for rehabilitation, Remote home monitoring, Deep learning, Computer-aided clinical decision making
Pattern recognition and knowledge discovery from large scale, heterogeneous data, biosignal processing (EEG, eye-tracking data), computer vision, deep learning, multimodal adaptive interaction, social robots for assistive/rehabilitation activities, cognitive computing in medical systems.
Healthcare Information Management Platforms, Healthcare Data Security and Privacy, Large Scale Data Mining / Analytics, Privacy-Preserving Data Mining, Clinical Decision Support Systems, Pervasive / Ubiquitous Computing, Healthcare Applications.
Medical Image Computing, Robot-guided Surgery, Computer-assisted Interventions, Medical Image Segmentation, Deep Learning, Robotic Vision, Surgical Navigation, Surgery Planning
Tracking systems, image and signal processing, state space modelling, filtering, embedded computing, and mHealth.
Computational Intelligence, biomedical image processing, optimization techniques.
Non-invasive physiological monitoring, human health and performance, cardiomechanical signals, chronic disease management, home monitoring of health and disease.
Wearable computing, body sensor networks (BSN), mobile health, signal processing, design and analysis of cyber physical systems (CPS), physiological sensing, circuits and systems for electroencephalography, low power and light-weight embedded system design and optimization.
Biological signal (EEG, EMG, ECG etc.) processing, myoelectric control, brain computer interface, man-machine interface, neuromuscular system modeling, powered Orthotics, motor rehabilitation for stroke, neural plasticity.
Radar for assisted living and veterinarian applications, Future radar systems, 5G/6G
Image processing, machine learning, medical image analysis, computer-aided diagnosis, and digital and analog signal processing.
Image processing, Neural networks, Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Proteomics
Medical Image Computing, Medical Ultrasound Image Analysis, Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Tumor Detection, AI-driven Health Informatics, Bioinformatics, Brain Disease Analysis, Longitudinal Study
Body Sensor Networks, Wearable Sensors, Signal processing, Non-invasive physiological monitoring, Machine Learning, Medical Instrumentation, Bioimpedance, Gerontotechnology.
Multi-Modal AI, Trustworthy AI, Medical Image Analysis, Deep Learning, Clinical Decision Support, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data
Systems biology, bionano-devices, structural bioinformatics, molecular stochastic networks, wound healing, and cellular pattern formation.
Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, Data Analytics and Mining of Health Informatics, NLP modeling in Mental Health, Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
Biomedical Image, analysis, healthcare bigdata, deep Learning.
Computer Vision, Temporal Tracking, Machine Learning, Image segmentation, Stochastic inferencing, Body Sensor Networks, Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing.
Medical image analysis and computing, Radiomics and Radiogenomics, Imaging Informatics, AI applications in medical imaging and personalised medicine informatics.
Wearable Sensors, Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), Machine Learning, Data Science, Wearable Sensor Systems, Internet of Things, Security and Privacy in Health Care & AI-driven Health Informatics.
Big data management and analytics, machine learning, biomedical informatics, medical imaging, decision support systems, and IoT
Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), Electroencephalography (EEG), NeuroProsthetic Hand, Electromyography, Ultrasound, Biomedical Signal Processing, Stroke Rehabilitation
Internet of medical things (IoMT), wearable computing, body sensor networks (BSN), mobile health, brain computer interface, artificial intelligence, assistive devices for rehabilitation, remote health monitoring, medical informatics
Biomedical radar systems and algorithms, biomedical applications of microwave/RF, remote patient monitoring, remote radar sensing, contactless sensing, remote healthcare, telemedicine, long-term health monitoring, capacitive ECG, inductive wireless power transfer, wireless sensors, biomedical circuits and systems, fall detection, indoor localization, contactless vital signs monitoring, people tracking.
AI/ML, LLM, Wearables, Omics, Diabetes, Time-series
Robot-assisted Surgery, Computer-Assisted Surgery, Medical image segmentation, Artificial Intelligence for Medical Image and Video analysis, Machine/Deep Learning, Telemedicine
Health informatics, Biomedical Data Science, Wearable Sensors, Remote Health, Embedded Systems, Machine Learning, Clinical Outcomes, Cardiovascular Outcomes
Artificial Intelligence, Machine and Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Intelligent Sensors, Biological signal processing, Human-Machine Systems, Digital Health, AI-Assisted Healthcare, Telemonitoring, Telehealth, Intelligent Consumer Technologies, Internet of Things
Medical image analysis, deep learning, artificial intelligence, content-based medical image retrieval, low-dose computational tomography, image denoising and restoration, large language models
Medical video processing and analysis, medical video communications, mHealth/ eHealth/ Telehealth, deep learning, computer vision.
Sensor signal processing, Data analytics, Wireless communication technologies, Control systems, Body sensor networks, Signal processing and control techniques for healthcare and personal well-being applications.
Industry4.0, healthcare 4.0, healthcare informatics, hospital automation, home healthcare, elderly healthcare, medical robotics, wireless sensor and actuator networks, cyber physical systems, Internet-of-Things.
Imaging Informatics, Medical Informatics, Public Health Informatics, Multi-Modal AI
e-Health, m-Health, and e-Emergency systems, medical image analysis systems (MRI, ultrasound, endoscopy, microscopy), biosignal analysis systems (electromyography), computational intelligence in medical systems, life sciences informatics.
Biomedical time-series, machine learning and deep-learning, health technology assessment (HTA), reverse engineering for early stage health economics, biomedical regulatory science, clinical engineering, healthy ageing, chronic non-communicable disease, prediction and prevention of falls.
Artificial Intelligence in Biomedicine, Computation Pathology, Imaging Informatics, Biomedical Image Computing,Tumor modeling, Computer Vision.
multi-modal brain image analysis, imaging genetics, graph neural network, manifold learning
Digital health, Health Internet of Thing, process mining, patient empowerment, digital health literacy, mobile health
Digital PathologyImage AnalysisImage Processing
Body sensor networks; wearable, ingestible and implantable systems; biosensor design, miniaturisation and embodiment; smart point-of-care and wireless physiological monitoring devices (e.g. ECG, EMG, EEG and PPG); ASIC and embedded system design, on-node processing, smart devices and app development; autonomic sensing, distributed inference, context aware sensing and multi-sensor fusion; wearable and assistive devices for rehabilitation, well-being and ageing population.
Biomedical signal processing, wearable monitoring systems, mobile health, man-machine interface, mental disorders, autonomic nervous system, affective computing
Medical image analysis, computer vision, and pattern recognition.
Wearable sensors, machine learning, hand gesture recognition, wearable haptics, movement training and rehabilitation, gait biomechanics, human computer interaction.
Multimedia data hiding, image processing, biometrics & Cryptography.
Immersive techniques, augmented/mixed/virtual realities, medical navigation systems, computer-aided surgery, medical image analysis, image registration
Bioinformatics, Medical Image Analysis, Computational Biology, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Predictive Modeling, Systems Biology
Brain Computer Interfaces, Multimodal functional neuroimaging integration (EEG/high-density EEG, fMRI, ASL, EEG-TMS data), Brain functional connectivity inference, Network analysis in health and clinical applications (epilepsy, stroke, neurodegenerativediseases, etc.)
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Biomedical Image Data Processing
Computer Vision, Ambient Health Monitoring, AI-Assisted Healthcare
Medical instrumentation and transducers, rehabilitation engineering, assistive technology, home health care devices.
Molecular imaging, Medical image analysis, and pattern recognition.
Biomedical data mining, health informatics analytics, biomarker discovery, health risk assessment/modelling, telecare systems, mobile health, knowledge discovery in electronic medical records.
Semantic health data integration, smart eHealth and mHealth service platforms, ubiquitous sensor-based human behavior modeling, activity and context recognition, affective computing, socio-economic aspects of eHealth and mHealth technologies and services.
Monitoring health, diagnosis and prognosis of neurological, psychiatric and neurodegenerative conditions
Medical image analysis, machine learning, deep learning, vision and language, large-scale medical data, federated learning
Medical Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), medical image reconstruction, deep learning.
Medical Imaging, Computer Aided Diagnosis, Imaging Biomarkers, Data science and data engineering for biomedicine and health, Machine learning and artificial intelligence methodologies for biomedical data analysis and interpretation
Medical Image Analysis, Medical Imaging, Machine Learning, Biomechanics
Medical image analysis, medical image segmentation, machine learning, deep learning, biomechanics, computational physiology (cardiac physiology and tumor growth), model personalization.
Precision Mental Health, Biomarker Development and Validation, Biomedical Signal Processing, Neural Engineering, Electroencephalography (EEG)
Wireless body-worn devices, embedded networked systems integrating sensor information processing, embedded inference, and internetworked devices.
Medical image analysis, computer vision, shape modelling, graph methods, and machine learning.
Robot sensing and its applications in healthcare, Human-Robot Interface & Safe Interaction Human Cyber Physical Systems(H-CPS), Flexible circuits & sensors and heterogeneous integration, Biomedical micro-circuits and systems, Health Internet-of-Things (IoT)
Health Internet of Things, Physiological signal processing and informatics, Computer Simulation and modeling of cardiovascular systems, Design and Analysis of Biomedical Experiments, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Biosensing and data mining.
Medical image analysis, digital pathology, endoscopic image, clinical decision support, precision medicine
Medical Image Analysis, Machine Learning, Manifold Learning, Multimodal Diagnosis, Trustworthy AI
Body Sensor Networks, Pervasive Sensing, Digital Medicine, Biomotion/Gait Analysis, Human Biomechanics, Rehabilitation robotics, Neuro-Rehabilitation, Physiological Signal Processing.
Medical image computing, machine learning, deep learning, image-guided surgery, computer-assisted interventions, medical robotics, musculoskeletal image analysis, clinical decision support, endoscopic image, statistical shape and deformation analysis, medical image segmentation, and medical image registration
Machine learning, artificial intelligence, data mining and image analysis. He is keen to develop novel statistical models and deep learning based approaches to solve research problems in manufacturing, healthcare, materials, earth observation, robotics and social sciences.
Computer vision, image analysis, mammography, breast cancer, prostate cancer, biometrics, machine learning, manifold learning.