The goal of J-BHI is to publish the latest advances and practical applications of biomedical and health informatics where information and communication technologies intersect with health, healthcare, life sciences and biomedicine.
Manuscripts are normally submitted as regular papers. To qualify for publication, submitted manuscripts must be previously unpublished and NOT under consideration elsewhere (including journals, conferences or any form of online publication).
The Editor-in-Chief and the Associate Editor in charge will perform initial submission-conformance review of the manuscript and may propose a change in category. They will also evaluate the manuscript in terms of novelty, quality and appropriateness and return the manuscript immediately without external review if the paper does not fit the scope of J-BHI or the quality of the paper does not meet the minimal standards as required by the Journal. Manuscripts passing the screening process will be sent out for peer-review.
Manuscripts will ONLY be accepted in electronic format through ScholarOne. Please read carefully the guidelines on how to Prepare and Submit Your Manuscript. Do NOT send your submissions or revisions directly to the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors. If you are unable to submit your contribution electronically, please contact the J-BHI Editorial office at: .
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Author Consent Form
An Author Consent form for manuscripts that have more than one author is also required to ensure that all the authors are aware that the paper is being submitted to the Journal. The IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society will apply sanctions against authors who are discovered to have made duplicate submissions to other journals. These sanctions are: (1) immediate rejection of the manuscript in question; (2) immediate return to the author and co-authors of any and all manuscripts currently under review; (3) prohibition against the authors/coauthors of any new submissions to any of the Society’s journals for one calendar year from date of formal notification. Download the J-BHI Consent Form.
Voluntary Page Charges
Upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication, the author(s) or his/her/their company or institution will be asked to pay a charge of $110 per page to cover part of the cost of publication of the seven pages, which comprise the standard manuscript length. Upon payment of these voluntary charges, the author will be entitled to 100 free, black and white reprints (without covers). The page charge up to 7 pages is voluntary.
Mandatory Page Charges
Authors are advised to keep the length of the manuscript within the nominal lengths for each paper category in the final IEEE print format (12 pages for review papers, 7 pages for regular papers and 2 pages for communications). The author(s) or his/her/their company or institution will be billed $250 per each page in excess of the page limit. These are MANDATORY charges and the author(s) will be held responsible for them. Payment of these charges is not negotiable or voluntary; the author(s) signifies willingness and acceptance of the requirement to pay mandatory page charges beyond the page limit. The Publisher holds the right to withhold publication of the current submission or any future submissions from the author(s) if this charge is not honoured. To avoid incurring mandatory page charges, the author(s) are strongly advised to practice economy in the original manuscript submission and restraint in preparation of the final manuscript following peer review. For regular paper:
- 7 pages or fewer: only voluntary page charges ($110/page)
- 8-12 pages: mandatory page charges ($250/page over 7)
- >12 pages: requires special permission from Editor-in-Chief
Paper Revision
The review decision for each paper may be one of the following: accepted, accept pending minor revision, reject/resubmit (major revision and new external review required), or reject. Only one round of major revision is permitted for each manuscript, if the review recommendation for a revised paper is major revision, the paper will be rejected automatically.
Post-Publication Procedures
See Instructions for Authors on Reprints and Special Charges.
IEEE Position Statement on NIH Public Access Policy
In line with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Public Access Policy, IEEE acknowledges that the broad and open dissemination of NIH-funded research results may benefit not only future science and engineering initiatives, but may also serve the greater interests of society as a whole. Please see Open Access for details.
Copyright and Reprint Permissions
Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries are permitted to photocopy of private use of patrons provided the per-copy fee indicated in the code at the bottom of the first page is paid through the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923.
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Electronic Version on IEEE Xplore
An electronic version is available at IEEE Xplore. All printed papers as well as accepted papers to be printed in forthcoming issues can be accessed via IEEE Xplore.