For Authors

The official template of papers submitted to IEEE JBHI is available here

IEEE Author Digital Tool Box

Author-created PDF preprints must be Xplore compliant in order to be posted. IEEE has released a series of digital tools (including IEEE PDF Checker) for authors to check their PDFs for Xplore compliance.

See these tools at the Author Digital Tool Box at

How to Submit a Paper

Manuscripts can be submitted as regular papers, review papers, or communications. To qualify for publication, these must be previously unpublished and not be under consideration elsewhere. The manuscript will be evaluated under the category it has been submitted (e.g., a regular paper will be accepted or rejected, but not moved during the review from regular paper to review paper).

The Editor-in-Chief and the Associate Editor in charge will perform a quick review of the manuscript to propose a change in category and to evaluate the manuscript in terms of novelty, quality and appropriateness and reject the manuscript if pitfalls exist.

Manuscripts will ONLY be accepted in electronic format through a web-based system called IEEE Author Portal. Please go to IEEE Author Portal or to the EMBS website to find instructions on how to create an account and electronically submit your manuscript.

Do not send original submissions or revisions directly to the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors. If you are unable to submit your contribution electronically, please contact the Editorial Office at

Manuscript/Communication Style

For purposes of qualifying for peer review and consideration for publication, authors must submit a manuscript according to the following guidelines:

  1. The manuscript should be submitted with single-spaced, double-column format with embedded figures and tables pages (one full blank line between lines of type) using a font size of 11 points or larger, having a margin of at least 1″ on all sides. The manuscript including the figures should be converted to postscript or PDF for upload to IEEE Author Portal.
  2. The abstract must be no more than 250 words for regular papers.
  3. In the manuscript, the figures and tables are allowed to appear in-text. However, please note that after it is accepted, the final version to be published should have the figures and tables in separate documents, one figure per page. A separate list of figure captions should be included, keyed to figure numbers marked on each illustration.
  4. References must appear in a separate reference section at the end of the manuscript with items referred to by numerals in square brackets. References must be complete in the IEEE style as follows:
    1. Style for papers: Author(s), first initials followed by last name, title, periodical, volume, inclusive page numbers, month, year.
    2. Style for books: Author(s), title, location, publisher, year, chapter, page numbers.
    3. You can find an electronic style file for references in Preparation of Papers for IEEE Transactions and Journals.


Any questions from authors about the peer review process should be directed to the Editor in Chief ( or the Editorial Office ( Direct communication among the authors and Associate Editors or Guest Editors is NOT allowed.  For more information please visit the following link: