
Bioinformatics 150 150 Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)


In this issue, vol. 27, issue 1, January 2023, 2 papers are published related to the topic Bioinformatics. Please click here to view it, with link in IEEE XPLORE.

Predicting Drug-Target Interactions Over Heterogeneous Information Network
Su, Xiaorui; HU, Pengwei; Yi, Hai-Cheng; You, Zhu Hong; Hu, Lun

PPAEDTI: Personalized Propagation Auto-Encoder Model for Predicting Drug-Target Interactions
Li, Chao; You, Zhu-Hong; Yu, Chang-Qing; Wang, Lei; Wong, Leon; Hu, Lun; HU, Pengwei; Huang, Yu-An