
IEEE PULSE Wins Best of Show Award in the 2018-19 STC Regional TechComm Competition 150 150 IEEE EMBS

IEEE PULSE Wins Best of Show Award in the 2018-19 STC Regional TechComm Competition

IEEE PULSE magazine received a Best of Show Award in the 2018-19 STC Regional TechComm Competition. One Best of Show…

EMBC '19 Workshops 150 150 IEEE EMBS

EMBC '19 Workshops

New EiC of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Leslie Ying 150 150 IEEE EMBS

New EiC of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Leslie Ying

Meet our new EiC of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Leslie Ying. Leslie Ying received her B.E. in Electronics Engineering…

NER2019 Best Paper Award Finalists 150 150 IEEE EMBS

NER2019 Best Paper Award Finalists

Please join us in congratulating the NER2019 Best Paper Award Finalists! This event is sponsored by the IEEE Brain Initiative.…

2019 Newly Elevated Fellows 150 150 IEEE EMBS

2019 Newly Elevated Fellows

IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of…

Newly Elected Vice President Elect's for 2019 735 1102 IEEE EMBS

Newly Elected Vice President Elect's for 2019

EMBS is happy to announce the Newly Elected Vice President Elect’s for 2019. Please join us in welcoming our newest…

In Memoriam: Dr. Somsak Choomchuay 200 200 IEEE EMBS

In Memoriam: Dr. Somsak Choomchuay

Associate Professor Dr. Somsak Choomchuay EMBS Thailand Chapter would like to pay condolence to the passing of Associate Professor Dr.…

In Memoriam: Niilo Saranummi 207 207 IEEE EMBS

In Memoriam: Niilo Saranummi

Niilo Saranummi left a tremendous impact on the lives of many of us who work on the crossroads of health…