Form a Society Chapter
Diversity allows EMBS members access many professional and social contacts and timely information on emerging research and tools. Society membership has proven to be of immense value to students, professionals, and others involved in fields of interest to the society. The high quality of information and networking opportunities offered by the engineering community allows students and other community professionals to gain significant professional growth with vast educational and social aspects. To accomplish this goal, EMBS has organizational units that can be formed inside a Student Branch or a Section
That is why EMBS encourages any interest group in any region to initiate an EMBS chapter or student chapter fulfilling the following requirements.
Planning and Preparation: Steps to Establishing a Chapter
Student Chapters
Professional / Joint Chapters
Student Chapters
- The Organizer must be an active IEEE member of Student or Graduate Student Member grade and attend the school
- The Organizer must be an active member of EMBS
- The Organizer shall serve as the interim Student Branch Chapter Chair pending election at a later date
Student Branch petitions must be endorsed by the following:
- The current IEEE Student Branch Counselor, who will endorse the petition on behalf of the IEEE Student Branch Executive Committee
- Student Branch Chapter Advisor, who must be an active IEEE member or Graduate Student Member grade or higher, Faculty Member of the school, and an active member of EMBS
Endorsers will be invited to endorse the petition once the petition has been verified by IEEE Staff.
Student Branch Chapter petitions must be signed by the following:
- 6 active IEEE members of Student or Graduate Student Member grade who attend the school, and are members of EMBS
Qualified members will be invited to sign the petition once the petition has been endorsed by all Endorsers.
Student Branch Chapter petitions must be approved by the following:
- Region Director (or their designee)
- Regional Student Activities Chair
- EMBS President
Approvers will be invited to approve the petition once the petition has been signed by 6 Petitioners.
Professional / Joint Chapters
- The Organizer (and Co-Organizer, if applicable) must be an active IEEE member of Graduate Student Member grade or higher for a minimum of 6 months
- The Organizer (and Co-Organizer, if applicable) must be an active member of EMBS
- The Organizer shall serve as the interim Chapter Chair pending election at a later date
Note: For Joint Section Chapters, there must be one Organizer/Co-Organizer from each contiguous section involved.
Chapter petitions must be endorsed by the following:
- Section Chair
Joint Sections Chapter petitions must be endorsed by the following:
- Section Chair for each Section involved
Note: If the Organizer does not report to a Section, the petition will be endorsed by the Region Director. Endorsers will be invited to endorse the petition once the petition has been verified by IEEE Staff.
Chapter petitions must be signed by the following:
- 12 active IEEE members of Graduate Student Member grade or higher for a minimum of 6 months, who are members of EMBS, other society if applicably, and Section(s) involved
Qualified members will be invited to sign the petition once the petition has been endorsed by all Endorsers.
Chapter petitions must be approved by the following:
- Region Director (or their designee)
- EMBS President, other Society/Council President if applicable.
Approvers will be invited to approve the petition once the petition has been signed by 12 Petitioners.
Petitions for IEEE Society and Technical Council Chapters and Joint Chapters can be submitted online after the proposed Chapter formation has been agreed to by the Section Chair or the Student Branch depending on the nature of the proposed chapter. Please contact first the unit that will endorse directly to begin the process. Use the IEEE Geographic Roster to find contact information.
Once the endorsers have accepted the proposal, please visit the petition links and follow the instructions to submit a petition.