Signal processing

Exploring the Gut-Brain Connection in Gastroparesis with Autonomic and Gastric Myoelectric Monitoring

Exploring the Gut-Brain Connection in Gastroparesis with Autonomic and Gastric Myoelectric Monitoring

Exploring the Gut-Brain Connection in Gastroparesis with Autonomic and Gastric Myoelectric Monitoring 789 444 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
We show that non-invasively tracking physiologic signals at home can shed light on patient-to-patient differences in digestive activity and the regulation of digestion in patients with certain gastrointestinal disorders. read more

Automatic Segmentation of Episodes Containing Epileptic Clonic Seizures in Video Sequences

Automatic Segmentation of Episodes Containing Epileptic Clonic Seizures in Video Sequences 150 150 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)

Kalitzin,S.; Petkov,G.; Velis,D.; Vledder,B.; Lopes da Silva,F. Volume: 59, Issue: 12, Pages: 3379-3385,  Abstract   Publication Year: 2012 Epilepsy is a debilitating clinical condition of the central nervous system characterized by…

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