For Reviewers

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Thank you for your service for the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME) by volunteering your time and expertise to review the submitted manuscripts. As TBME Reviewer you plays an extremely important role.

The journal welcomes original work that has made major advancements in a field instead of incremental improvement. The goal of TBME is to publish comprehensive pieces of excellent science that engineering the medicine and biology. To qualify for publication at TBME, manuscripts must contain at least one of the two contributions: 1) a new novel engineering method which has demonstrated merits to biomedical research; 2) important results that advance significantly state of the arts of biomedical engineering research. A manuscript which is only technically sound will not be sufficient for acceptance for publication in TBME. It is ultimately up to you to ensure this to occur.

TBME encourages the submission of manuscripts on any topics related to biomedical engineering, including, but not limited to: biomedical signal processing, biomedical imaging and image processing, bioinstrumentation, biosensors, bio-micro/nano technology, bioinformatics and computational biology, biomedical modeling and computing, cardiovascular engineering, neural and rehabilitation engineering, cellular and tissue engineering and biomaterials, biomechanics, robotics, therapeutic and diagnostic systems, devices and technologies, clinical engineering, healthcare information systems and telemedicine, and emerging topics in biomedical engineering.

Full manuscripts (~8 pages) with novel methods or study designs with convincing experimental results are welcome. Manuscripts reporting significant results with innovative study designs will also be considered, if the results represent major advancements in the field. Exceptionally novel results may be submitted as a Letter (4 pages). The journal publishes selected review articles written by international authorities. Unsolicited authors should inquire with editorial office before submitting a review article.

To qualify for publication, submitted manuscripts must be previously unpublished and must not be under consideration elsewhere. A full manuscript may be developed on pilot work which was presented in a conference, but extensive conference proceedings papers may disqualify submission of a full manuscript to TBME.

A ScholarOne Manuscripts Reviewer Guide is also available to help you start.

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