Blog Post

Bridging Biotech: Regional shifts and patterns

Bridging Biotech: Regional shifts and patterns 150 150 IEEE EMBS

One of the great strengths of IEEE EMBS is a broad, global community of biomedical engineers with a breadth of different experiences. Fostering connections and collaboration among these experts allows…

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Bridging Biotech: Worldwide Trends in Biomedical Engineering

Bridging Biotech: Worldwide Trends in Biomedical Engineering 150 150 IEEE EMBS

The world of biomedical engineering is constantly evolving, as we advance in our understanding and as priorities shift. Recently, IEEE EMBS noticed significant growth in membership in certain regions of…

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Celebrating Women in Biomedical Engineering: Highlights from the Second Annual Forum

Celebrating Women in Biomedical Engineering: Highlights from the Second Annual Forum 1000 1000 IEEE EMBS

This year’s second annual Women in Biomedical Engineering Forum brought several notable women in the biomedical engineering field to Orlando as keynote speakers, including: Vanessa E. Wyche, Director of NASA’s…

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Patient Heal Thyself: the Promise of Physiological Avatars in Predictive Healthcare Analytics

Patient Heal Thyself: the Promise of Physiological Avatars in Predictive Healthcare Analytics 2560 1440 IEEE EMBS

Since it was first coined in the 1990s, the term “big data” has been weighed down by expectations of analytical revolutions in science, technology, and industry. Over the last thirty-plus…

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Women in Data Science Continue to Push the Boundaries of the Discipline They Helped Launch

Women in Data Science Continue to Push the Boundaries of the Discipline They Helped Launch 768 432 IEEE EMBS

Many of the leading and foundational minds behind data science were women. Jumping many decades forward to today, as our modern digital world continues to accumulate increasing amounts of data…

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