Thomas Penzel

Thomas Penzel

Charite University Hospital, Germany

Expertise: Biosignal processing, sleep research, sleep medicine, cardiovascular regulation

Dr. Thomas Penzel graduated from physics (1986), human biology (1991), and physiology (1995) at the University Marburg, Germany. He holds certificates for sleep medicine and medical informatics. He was with the University of Marburg from 1982 until 2006 and moved to Charite University Hospital, Berlin and serves as scientific director of the sleep center. He received the Bial award for clinical medicine in Portugal, the Bill Gruen Award for Innovations in Sleep Research the distinguished development award by the Chinese sleep research society. He holds several board functions at national and international societies on sleep medicine and biomedical engineering. He authored more than 250 papers listed in Pubmed. He is an editorial board member on journals in sleep research and biomedical engineering. His research focus is on new methods in sleep recording and cardiovascular consequences of sleep disorders. He is a IEEE EMBS senior member.