Fabio Babiloni
University of Rome, Italy
Expertise: EEG, fMRI, MEG, Cognitive neuroscience, machine learning, connectivity, brain mapping, brain computer interface
Dr. Fabio Babiloni is currently professor of Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy. He is also professor of Biomedical Engineering. He is author of 250 papers on bioengineering and neurophysiological topics on international peer-reviewed scientific journals, and more than 250 contributions to conferences and books chapters, having an H-index of 64. Prof. Babiloni is Associate Editor of “IEEE Trans. On Neural System and Rehabilitation Engineering”, “IEEE Trans. On Biomedical Engineering”, and coeditor in chief of the “International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism”. Since 2007 is IEEE-EMBS Conference Editor and for 2012-2018 was in the advisory committee of the IEEE-EMBS. His interests are in the area of applied cognitive neuroscience.