May Dongmei Wang
Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University, USA
Expertise: Big Biomedical Data Analytics and Systems Modeling for Health/Clinical Decision Support; Bioinformatics for Next Generation Sequencing and High-throughput -omic Data Analysis; Bionanoinformaticsl; Pathological Imaging Informatics; and Health Informatics for Chronic/Acute/Genetics Disease Monitoring and Education
Dr. Wang is an Associate Professor in the Joint Department of BME, School of ECE, WCI, IBB, and IPaT at Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University, USA. She is a GCC Distinguished Cancer Scholar, a Co-Director of Georgia-Tech Center of Bio-Imaging Mass Spectrometry, and an active participant in FDA-led Microarray Quality Control and Sequencing Consortium (MAQC-SEQC). She received PhDEE, MSEE/MSCS/MS-AppliedMath from Georgia-Tech, B.S.Eng from Tsinghua University, and had several years of industrial R&D experience. Her research is on Big Biomedical Data Analytics — Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI) for Personalized and Predictive Health (e.g. Next-Generation-Sequencing -omic data mining, pathological imaging informatics, health informatics, bionanoinformatics, and systems modeling). She published 140+ peer-reviewed articles, with a few tools certified by NIH/National Cancer Informatics Program as silver-level compatible. She serves as Co-Chair of IEEE-EMBS BHI Technical Committee, Senior Editor for Journal of BHI, and a 2014-2015 IEEE-EMBS Distinguished Lecturer.