Luca Faes
University of Palermo, Italy
Expertise: Biomedical Time Series Analysis, Information Theory, Network Physiology, Computational Neuroscience, Complex Systems, Cardiovascular Oscillations
Luca Faes is Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Palermo, Italy, where he teaches courses on Statistical Analysis of Biomedical Signals, Biosensors and Biomedical Devices. He has previously been with the Department of Physics of the University of Trento, Italy, and visiting scientist at the State University of New York, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, University of Gent, University of Minas Gerais, and Boston University. Dr. Faes is Senior Member of the IEEE, member of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE-EMBS) and of the Technical Committee of Biomedical Signal Processing, and member of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO). He is Specialty Chief Editor for Frontiers in Network Physiology, and Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering and Entropy. His research focuses on multivariate time series analysis and information theory applied to cardiovascular neuroscience, brain connectivity, brain-heart interactions, and network physiology. Within these fields, he co-authored eight book chapters and more than ~250 peer-reviewed publications, receiving ~5000 citations (h-index: 40).