James Patton

James Patton

University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Expertise: Neurorehabilitation through novel interfaces; Automatic feedback control theory; Dynamics and simulation; Optimization; Mechatronics and haptic development; Human-machine interfaces; Robotic

James L. Patton received BS degrees in mechanical engineering and engineering science from the University of Michigan in 1989, MS degree in theoretical mechanics from Michigan State, in 1993, and the PhD degree in biomedical engineering from Northwestern University in 1998. He is Professor of Bioengineering at University of Illinois at Chicago, and a senior research scientist at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. He worked in automotive manufacturing and in nuclear medicine before discovering the control of human movement. His general interests involve robotic teaching, dynamic balance control, haptics, modeling of the human-machine interface, and robot-facilitated recovery from a brain injury. Patton is vice president of IEEE-EMB society, and editor in chief of the Proceedings of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology.