Claudio Cobelli
University of Padova, Italy
Expertise: modeling & identification of metabolic systems; glucose system; insulin action; insulin secretion; minimal models; simulation models; compartmental models; tracer kinetics; diabetes; artificial pancreas; glucose sensors modeling.
Claudio Cobelli is Full Professor of Biomedical Engineering, University of Padova, Italy. He has been Chairman of Graduate Program in Biomedical Engineering (2000-2009) and Ph.D. Program in Bioengineering (200-2011), University of Padova. His main research activity is in modeling and identification of physiological systems, especially metabolic systems. His research is supported by NIH, JDRF and European Comunity. He has published 450 papers in internationally refereed journals, co-author of 8 books and holds 11 patents. He is Associate Editor Journal of Diabetes Science & Technology. He is on the Editorial Board of Diabetes and Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. Dr. Cobelli has been Chairman (1999-2004) of Italian Bioengineering Group; Chairman (1990-1993 & 1993-1996) of IFAC TC on Modeling and Control of Biomedical Systems, and member of IEEE EMBS AdCom Member (2008-2009). In 2010 he received the Diabetes Technology Artificial Pancreas Research Award. He is Fellow of IEEE, BMES and EAMBES.