Paolo Dario appointed EiC of IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics
Paolo Dario is Professor of Biomedical Robotics and Coordinator of the PhD Program in BioRobotics of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy. He received his Dr Eng Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pisa and has been and is visiting researcher, professor and fellow at various universities and scientific institutions in Europe, USA, the Middle East and Asia. His current research interests are in the field of bio-robotics and bionics, and include surgical robotics, micro/nano devices for endoscopy, bio-inspired devices and systems, and assistive and companion robots. Paolo Dario is the author of 400+ journal publications (Scopus), his H-Index is 59 (Scopus), and in March 2015 he was identified by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine as the second most influential scientist in robotics worldwide according to degree centrality and bibliometric criteria. He is co-author of 50+ international patents and co-founder of 5 start-up companies. Paolo Dario has been the coordinator of many large national and European projects. He served as Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editor and member of the Editorial Board of many international journals in biomedical engineering and in robotics. He is Founding Editorial Board Member of the Journal “Science Robotics” and Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. In 2018 he has been nominated Editor-in-Chief of the new IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics. Paolo Dario is an IEEE Fellow and a Fellow of the European Society on Medical and Biological Engineering. He served as President of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and received many prizes and Awards, including the 1996 Joseph Engelberger Award for Medical Robotics, the 2014 IEEE RAS George Saridis Leadership Award, and the 2017 IEEE RAS Pioneer Award for Biorobotics.
About IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics
The IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics is a multi-disciplinary journal publishing papers reporting high-quality research in the field of robotics and of bionics applied to healthcare. T-MRB mission is to provide the readership with theoretical, methodological and experimental forefront research contributions focusing on robotics and bionics applications in medicine. This new journal lies at the intersection between biomedical engineering and robotics, fulfilling a dream shared by IEEE EMBS and RAS societies.
T-MRB publishes non-incremental results on innovative systems able to support prevention, diagnosis or treatment of human diseases. Such systems can be based on robotics and automation technology-related paradigms (e.g. surgical robots, devices for physical and cognitive rehabilitation, supporting systems for independent living, etc.) on bionics paradigms (e.g. medical systems which mimic living organisms or technologies that intimately interact with the human body), or the combinations of them, e.g. robotic artificial organs and other active implantable devices featuring direct interfaces to the human body. In addition, T-MRB promotes works investigating mechanisms and principles observed in nature in order to unravel scientific issues, and to exploit them to develop innovative bionic technologies. The Transactions also welcomes survey and commentary papers providing: critical, systematic review of research areas and trends within its scope; evidence-based studies on early clinical validation, and contributions on early ethical, social, economic, organizational impact assessment, of novel robotics and/or bionic solutions for medical and health care applications.