Submissions are now Open! Please Submit Your Nomination.
The IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) invites nominations for EMBS Distinguished Lecturers. The IEEE EMBS Distinguished Lecturers Program provides high quality speakers to the Biomedical Engineering Community, especially to EMBS Chapters, Student Branch Chapters, and Student Clubs. Appointment as an EMBS Distinguished Lecturer is a major Society recognition.
The Distinguished Lecturers are selected by the Distinguished Lecturers Program Committee and announced in December after approval by the EMBS AdCom.
Nominees must meet the following criteria:
- The DL nominee is preferentially an EMBS member.
- The DL nominee must be nominated by an EMBS chapter, an EMBS Technical Committee, or an EMBS member who does not have a conflict with the selection process.
No self-nominations are allowed. - The DL nominee must be a well-recognized expert in his/her field because of his/her research, teaching, service activities, and an inspiring speaker.
- In an effort to improve diversity, EMBS encourages nominations of women and scientists from under-represented geographical areas.
The pool of candidates should cover, as well as possible, at any time the technology footprint of the Society and its global reach, as well as appeal to its diversified constituents (professionals, academicians, and students) and our medical partners.
The Distinguished Lecturers will start their two-year term in January. Each Lecturer should submit up to three lecture topics in his/her field of expertise to be posted on the Society Website.
The Distinguished Lecturers should be readily available to present a lecture anywhere in the world, including his/her geographical area, if contacted by an EMBS Chapter, Technical Community, or related organizations. Lectures and related activities may be virtual or in-person. Reasonable travel expenses will be paid by the Distinguished Lecturers Program, upon pre-approval by the VP for Technical Activities in advance of the event.
If you have questions, you may contact EMBS Society Operations Manager, Deidre Artis ().