This special issue is now closed. See all Past Special Issues.
Download the Call-for-Papers (PDF) for this special issue.
Important Dates:
Deadline for Submission: 1 November 2014
Submission Opens: 15 October 2014
First Reviews Due: 30 November 2014
Final Decision: 15 March 2015
Guest Editors:
- Mehmet R. Yuce
Monash University
- Ilangko Balasingham
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Yong-Kyu “YK” Yoon
University of Florida
- Jianqing Wang
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
- Carmen C.Y. Poon
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HKSAR
Medical Implants have been widely used in patient care for capturing physiological data or acting as a prosthetic device restoring certain body functions. Currently, researchers are working to add new features with help of advanced nano- and micro- technologies. New sensing mechanisms, advanced wireless telemetry links, and low power RF building blocks are still required to enable high performance and better diagnostic capabilities for healthcare applications. However size constraints present a significant problem when designing such links. New developments also consider wireless energy mechanism to provide power supply for wireless implants operating within the body.
This special issue aims to cover recent research activities that tackle some of the existing challenges and design issues related to the use of RF and Communication Technologies for wireless implants. Topics of interests include but are not limited to:
- Wireless telemetry techniques
- Optimization and modelling of wireless telemetry links in the body
- Wireless endoscopy devices
- Wireless telemetry links for prosthetic devices. E.g. Bionic eye implants, cochlear implants etc.
- Wireless energy techniques for wireless implants and wireless endoscopy devices
- Wireless medical sensor design
- Wireless neural systems
- Wireless biosensors, MEMS based wireless sensor systems
- In-body propagation issues
- Electromagnetics effects and safety limits of wireless links
- Wireless inductive links and antenna design
- Low-power circuit building blocks
- Microwave and electromagnetic studies related to wireless implants
Priorities will be given to papers reporting original work with clearly demonstrated clinical translational values.
For more information, please refer to the Call-for-Papers (PDF).
This special issue is now closed. See all Past Special Issues.