Dr. Rute Almeida Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto, Departamento de Matemática da FCUP, Porto, Portugal Research Interests: Advanced signal processing, time series, stochastic processes; Automatic biomedical signals processing; ECG, autonomic nervous system; Critical illness. |
Dr. Christoph Brueser Bosch Sensortec, Reutlingen, Germany Research Interests: (Bio-)signal processing, sensor fusion, unobtrusive physiological monitoring, ballistocardiography. |
Dr. Paulo Fernando Pereira de Carvalho Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Coimbra, Portugal Research Interests: Bio-signal processing, Pattern recognition, Intelligent algorithms for clinical diagnosis and decision support, Clinical Informatics, pHealth. |
Dr. Zhili Chen Faculty of Information and Control Engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shenyang, China Research Interests: Digital image processing, pattern recognition, mammographic image analysis, and microcalcification classification. |
Dr. Sabine van Huffel Department of Electrical Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Research Interests: Classification and prediction modeling, and (non)linear signal analysis and pattern recognition. |
Dr. Delaram Jarchi Hamlyn Centre, Imperial College London, UK Research Interests: Biomedical signal processing, machine learning, and body sensor network. |
Dr. Rami N. Khushaba Applied Research – ResMed Ltd, Bella Vista, Australia Research Interests: Myoelectric Control, Muscle-Computer Interfaces, Sleep Disordered Breathing, Driver Drowsiness/fatigue, Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Human Factors. |
Dr. Ashnil Kumar Biomedical and Multimedia (BMIT) Research Group, School of Information Technologies, Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, University of Sydney, Australia Research Interests: Medical image analysis, content-based medical image retrieval, medical data visualization, computer-aided diagnosis, graph modeling, visual analytics. |
Dr. Juha Pärkkä VTT Technical Research Centre, Finland Research Interests: Biomedical signal processing, data analysis, classification, software development and quality assurance. |
Dr. Avan Suinesiaputra Department of Anatomy with Radiology, University of Auckland, New Zealand Research Interests: Statistical shape analysis, cardiac motion modeling, computational anatomy, computer-aided diagnosis, medical image analysis. |
Dr. James R. Williamson Bioengineering Systems and Technologies Group, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Research Interests: Biomedical predictive analytics, signal processing, machine learning, cortical processing. |