Explore Our Conferences
The IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society sponsors technical conferences, symposia, and workshops dedicated to providing opportunities to network with peers from around the world and to exchange high-quality, rigorously peer-reviewed scientific and technological knowledge.
EMBS Conferences
Co-Sponsored Conferences
Technical Co-Sponsored Conferences, Other Events
EMBS Conferences
EMBS sponsors multiple, scientific conferences throughout the year. EMBS Conferences provide an opportunity for members and non-members to present and share research information, receive feedback, create networking and employment opportunities and learn about the emerging technologies that will influence future advances in biomedical engineering and healthcare technology.
A major goal of all EMBS conferences is to host a diverse event that ensures opportunity for all to learn/engage with others, present their research in a challenging, but supportive and encouraging environment and network/collaborate with scientific colleagues.
EMBS Conference Manuscript Review Process
EMBS accepts the following types of manuscripts for the conference:
- Contributed Papers (4 pages, either Oral Presentation or Electronic Poster, published)
- Special Session Papers (4 pages, invitation only by proposal process, Oral Presentation, published)
- Late Breaking Research Abstracts (1 Page, Electronic Poster, not published)
EMBS supports and executes a stringent paper review process for all conferences. Each manuscript receives a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 reviews. Plagiarism software is used in the review process and there is an expectation for authors to accept IEEE and EMB Ethic conditions and all ethical requirements as recommended by NIH and funding institutions.
EMBC, the annual conference of the Society is designed as a general topic conference with multiple technical themes. It follows the same stringent paper review process as Special Topic Conferences but has a higher acceptance rate. EMBC has an additional goal of the conference to develop the next generation of Biomedical Engineers and Electrical Engineers working in Bio. We have a vibrant student and young professional (post grad) participation in the General Conference. Average attendance is 3000. Attendees range from high school students to senior industry and academic researchers.
EMB Special Topic Conferences are designed to create a high quality, technological event with leading technology experts. Their paper review is more stringent and has a lower acceptance rate. Average attendance is 800. Attendees range from graduate students to senior industry and academic researchers.
All EMBS Conference Proceedings are published in IEEE Xplore®, a digital library of the IEEE.
Additionally, several Conference Proceedings of EMBS Conferences are indexed in Medline/PUBmed, Elsevier (Compendex, ScienceDirect and Scopus), Google Scholar, INSPEC, CiteSeerX and Web of Science.
Co-Sponsored Conferences
EMBS also co-sponsors events with other IEEE Societies.
Technical Co-Sponsored Conferences, Other Events
Conference Technical Co-Sponsorship by IEEE EMBS
Many of EMB volunteers participate in Conferences not sponsored by EMBS. At times, EMBS receives requests to technically co-sponsor these events. The Society will consider these requests if EMBS members are actively engaged in the event.
Technical Co-sponsorship Only
A request can be made for technical co-sponsorship by conferences with subject content aligned with EMB’s field of interest and can demonstrate significant participation by EMB members in the Program organization of the event.
Technical Co-sponsorship with acquisition of Conference Proceeding for publication in IEEE Xplore
For an existing conference publication to be considered for EMB acquisition, there must be an archive of more than one past proceedings made available to EMBS for qualitative evaluation. First time events will not be considered for acquisition.
As a Technical Co-sponsor, IEEE EMBS requires the following items:
- All papers submitted to the conference must be peer-reviewed.
- The conference must demonstrate that its paper submission process is secure.
- The conference organizers have a process to identify plagiarism and reject fraudulent reviewers and papers.
- Authors follow IEEE and EMB Code of Ethics
To verify this information, a detailed description of the paper submission and review process must be submitted to the EMB Executive Office. The review process and the submitted past publications will be reviewed by EMB VP Conferences. Please include a Call for Papers if one is available. IEEE EMBS will not authorize any publication acquisition for IEEE Xplore until these requirements can be verified.
All IEEE fees associated with acquiring the Conference Proceedings for a technically co-sponsored conference will be the responsibility of the conference.
As of April 2020, IEEE administrative fees for Conference Technical Co-sponsorship are:
- Technical Co-Sponsorship Only: US $1,450 per event
- Technical Co-Sponsorship and Acquisition of Conference Publication: US $1,450 per event and US$22 for all papers submitted into IEEE Xplore.
IEEE EMBS will not have any financial involvement and will be limited to participating as a Technical Co-sponsor and the use of IEEE EMBS in the title of the Conference is prohibited. IEEE EMBS reserves the right at any time to revoke technical co-sponsorship with a cause.
As a Technical Co-sponsor to IEEE EMBS the Conference must:
- Acknowledge IEEE EMBS participation in all conference materials, advertisements, and on the conference website.
- Include and identify EMB members who are participating as members of the Program and Review Committee
- Include the IEEE EMBS Information page in the Final Program and Conference Proceeding.
- This acquisition of your Conference Proceedings is not guaranteed and is contingent upon the proceedings being created in the required IEEE compatible format and submitted according to IEEE requirements.
- Provide to IEEE EMBS one complimentary copy of the Conference Proceeding for the EMBS Executive Office.
As a technical co-sponsor of the conference, IEEE EMBS will provide the following:
- include your conference information in the Society Calendar and will advertise the event to its members
- permission for the use of IEEE EMBS logo on the Conference Website and promotion material as a sponsoring society.
Note: IEEE EMBS will not technically co-sponsor a conference if it falls within a month (either side) of our Annual International Conference or a month (either side) of one of our Special Topic Conferences.