Health Care and Wellness

Doctor hand holding world crystal ball

Driving Markets Toward a Greener Future: Kaiser Permanente

Driving Markets Toward a Greener Future: Kaiser Permanente 768 432 IEEE Pulse

The climate is changing, and, it seems, the health care sector has contributed to the problem. According to The Commonwealth Fund, the health care system accounts for about 10% of…

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Easing Burnout in Health Care

Author(s)3: Pamela Reynolds
Easing Burnout in Health Care 2207 1358 IEEE Pulse
As the pandemic continues to overwhelm hospitals and staff, mobile strategies to address mental health strain among health care workers are becoming more readily available. read more

Meeting the Green Health Challenge

Author(s)3: Pamela Reynolds
Meeting the Green Health Challenge 500 312 IEEE Pulse
Given the urgency of our climate change problem, a trip to the hospital can be more than just a bit disconcerting for what it reveals about waste. From disposable blood pressure cuffs and one-use plastic medical gowns to powerful air filtration systems that consume immense quantities of energy, waste seems rife. Hospitals might argue that many of these measures are necessary to tamp down hospital-acquired infections, and indeed the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has required that hospitals dial up their air purification systems to battle COVID-19. read more

New Apps Drive Health Care Innovation, Access to Care

Author(s)3: Summer Allen
New Apps Drive Health Care Innovation, Access to Care 2448 1224 IEEE Pulse
With the ubiquitous nature of smartphones, apps are a regular part of our day-to-day lives. They are also becoming a larger presence in health care, where they have the ability to expand access to care, help people monitor health changes, provide support for people living with chronic conditions, and coordinate communication between patients and their doctors. From detecting skin cancer to helping people with diabetes, new apps aim to change how people think about their health. read more

Filling a Cavity in Dental Care

Author(s)3: Pamela Reynolds
Filling a Cavity in Dental Care 2121 1414 IEEE Pulse
About a decade ago, Dian Baker, a professor at Sacramento State School of Nursing, responded to a directive from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) asking health care practitioners to do something about the thorny and serious problem of ventilator hospital-acquired pneumonia, which afflicts thousands of people each year. After consulting with colleagues on the issue, Baker noticed something interesting. Although hospital ventilators had been widely assumed to be the cause of this problem, the truth was that most people getting pneumonia in hospitals weren’t on ventilators. The true culprit may come as a surprise: Nurses were shirking the unpleasant task of brushing the teeth of seriously ill patients. read more

The Biology Behind Eating Disorders

Author(s)3: Pamela Reynolds
The Biology Behind Eating Disorders 1000 1000 IEEE Pulse
For many decades, the popular narrative surrounding anorexia nervosa was that it was an emotional disorder springing from profound cultural pressures combined with dysfunctional family dynamics. Teenage girls, typically, would refuse to eat in an obsessive bid to lose weight. They would imagine themselves to be fat, even if mirrors and scales demonstrated otherwise. Because of the surfeit of images of rail-thin preteen models cluttering the pages of trendy fashion magazines, it was easy to imagine this theory to be true. It made sense if some clinicians regarded anorexia as the inevitable result of a “you-can-never-be-too-rich-or-too-thin” culture. read more

One Shot Wonder: A Vaccine Against All Coronaviruses

Author(s)3: Leslie Mertz
One Shot Wonder: A Vaccine Against All Coronaviruses 1000 665 IEEE Pulse
As the current pandemic continues to affect populations around the globe, the search for a viable vaccine for coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19) continues. However, rather than constantly scrambling to generate a vaccine after an outbreak happens, some researchers are working on what they see as a better approach: developing a broad-acting “pan-coronavirus” vaccine that provides protection from any coronavirus, present or future. read more

Tracking Sleep to Optimize Health

Author(s)3: Kristina Grifantini
Tracking Sleep to Optimize Health 2121 1414 IEEE Pulse
With the advent of wearable biometrictechnology like smart watches, “hacking” our bodies’ functions and cycles has become a tool in the never-ending quest for better health. And sleep is no exception. For example, a staggering one-third of Americans don’t get enough sleep, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). read more

IoMT (Internet of Medical Things): Reducing Cost While Improving Patient Care

Author(s)3: Saanvi Arora
IoMT (Internet of Medical Things): Reducing Cost While Improving Patient Care 2560 1440 IEEE Pulse
Citizens’ dissatisfaction with the scope of the United States health care system has been a hot topic for many years. In a country where patient to nurse ratios remain 6:1, even universal health care coverage cannot guarantee adequate patient care. read more