Engineering Ethics

Training Biomedical Engineers for Humanitarian Emergencies

Training Biomedical Engineers for Humanitarian Emergencies

Training Biomedical Engineers for Humanitarian Emergencies 789 444 IEEE Pulse
Populations displaced by war, famine or disease are particularly vulnerable and poorly supported for healthcare. How can biomedical engineering help? read more
Ethical Issues of 4D Printed Medical Devices

Ethical Issues of 4D Printed Medical Devices

Ethical Issues of 4D Printed Medical Devices 789 444 IEEE Pulse
Since the dawn of additive manufacturing technologies in the 1980s and 90s, now commonly named 3D printing, the possibility of processing raw materials into freeform designed objects with unprecedented shape complexity opened new avenues for the development of medical devices. Indeed, the geometries of nature and the human body are extremely multifaceted, with even fractal-like or multiscale levels of detail, counting with functional gradients of properties, including topology and topography optimizations, to cite some interesting features. read more
Biomedical Bauhaus: Utopian Dream or Health and Educational Breakthrough

Biomedical Bauhaus: Utopian Dream or Health and Educational Breakthrough

Biomedical Bauhaus: Utopian Dream or Health and Educational Breakthrough 789 444 IEEE Pulse
Just before the COVID-19 pandemic, 2019 marked the 100th anniversary of the school and manifesto of the Bauhaus. Now that life is slowly returning to normal, it may be a good moment to celebrate one of the most transformative educational initiatives ever, with the motivation of developing a model that could also transform BME. read more
“Biologizing” Engineering Education

“Biologizing” Engineering Education

“Biologizing” Engineering Education 768 432 IEEE Pulse
Biology lies at the heart of many engineering advances. It’s time for educational programs to recognize that fact. read more
Tree growing from book A big open book

Toward a More Ethical and Sustainable Biomedical Engineering Education

Toward a More Ethical and Sustainable Biomedical Engineering Education 768 432 IEEE Pulse

Important lessons can be learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, which after more than two years of worldwide suffering is still among us. First, we now better understand that global health…

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