neuromuscular stimulation

Forced Movements Facilitate Reversal Learning in Rats: Findings from a Rat Robotic Rehabilitation Model

Forced Movements Facilitate Reversal Learning in Rats: Findings from a Rat Robotic Rehabilitation Model 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
To evaluate the effectiveness of robotic rehabilitation alone, we developed a robotic rehabilitation model for rats and investigated the effects of inducing forced response-like movements on learning a choice reaction… read more
Semiparametric Identification of Human Arm Dynamics for Flexible Control of a Functional Electrical Stimulation Neuroprosthesis

Semiparametric Identification of Human Arm Dynamics for Flexible Control of a Functional Electrical Stimulation Neuroprosthesis

Author(s)3: Eric M. Schearer, Yu-Wei Liao, Eric J. Perreault, Matthew C. Tresch, William D. Memberg, Robert F. Kirsch, Kevin M. Lynch
Semiparametric Identification of Human Arm Dynamics for Flexible Control of a Functional Electrical Stimulation Neuroprosthesis 780 435 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

We present a method to identify the dynamics of a human arm controlled by an implanted functional electrical stimulation neuroprosthesis. The method uses Gaussian process regression to predict shoulder and…

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Fine-Wire Electromyography Response to Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation in the Triceps Surae

Fine-Wire Electromyography Response to Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation in the Triceps Surae

Author(s)3: Paul P. Breen, Anand V Nene, Gearóid ÓLaighin, Pierce A. Grace
Fine-Wire Electromyography Response to Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation in the Triceps Surae 556 235 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Abstract Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) has previously been used to enhance venous return from the lower leg. By artificially activating lower leg muscles, venous blood may be effectively ejected from…

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