Soft Robotic

A Novel Soft Robotic Supernumerary Hand for Severely Affected Stroke Patients

Author(s)3: Andrea S. Ciullo, Janne M. Veerbeek, Eveline Temperli, Andreas R. Luft, Frederik J. Tonis, Claudia J.W. Haarman, Arash Ajoudani, Manuel G. Catalano, Jeremia P.O. Held, Antonio Bicchi
A Novel Soft Robotic Supernumerary Hand for Severely Affected Stroke Patients 666 674 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Upper limb functions are severely affected in 23% of the chronic stroke patients, compromising their life quality. To re-enable hand use, providing a degree of functionality and motivating against learned…

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