intrafascicular electrodes

Stimulation Selectivity of the “Thin-Film Longitudinal Intrafascicular Electrode” (tfLIFE) and the “Transverse Intrafascicular Multi-Channel Electrode” (TIME) in the Large Nerve Animal Model

Stimulation Selectivity of the “Thin-Film Longitudinal Intrafascicular Electrode” (tfLIFE) and the “Transverse Intrafascicular Multi-Channel Electrode” (TIME) in the Large Nerve Animal Model

Stimulation Selectivity of the “Thin-Film Longitudinal Intrafascicular Electrode” (tfLIFE) and the “Transverse Intrafascicular Multi-Channel Electrode” (TIME) in the Large Nerve Animal Model 556 235 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

A. Kundu, K. R. Harreby, K. Yoshida, T. Boretius, T. Stieglitz and W. Jensen ACCESS PAPER DATA READ FULL ARTICLE ON IEEE XPLORE Abstract Neural prostheses are limited by the…

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