in vivo

Personalized Alpha-Motoneuron Pool Models Driven by Neural Data Encode the Mechanisms Controlling Rate of Force Development

Personalized Alpha-Motoneuron Pool Models Driven by Neural Data Encode the Mechanisms Controlling Rate of Force Development 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
The central nervous system employs distinct motor control strategies depending on task demands. Accordingly, the activity of alpha-motoneuron (MN) pools innervating skeletal muscle fibers is modulated based on muscle force… read more
Temporal Modulation of the Response of Sensory Fibers to Paired-Pulse Stimulation

Temporal Modulation of the Response of Sensory Fibers to Paired-Pulse Stimulation

Author(s)3: Emma K. Brunton, Carolina Silveira, Joshua Rosenberg, Matthew A. Schiefer, John Riddell, Kianoush Nazarpour
Temporal Modulation of the Response of Sensory Fibers to Paired-Pulse Stimulation 780 478 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

      Multi-channel nerve cuff electrode arrays can provide sensory feedback to prosthesis users. To develop efficacious stimulation protocols, an understanding of the impact that spatio-temporal patterned stimulation can have on…

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