Open Access Publication

EMBS now offers discounted Open Access publishing

Transactions on NanoBioscience now offers publication in Open Access! Submit to the Journal that maintains review integrity and quality of publishing. There is a $2,645 Hybrid OA fee for manuscripts of any length. EMB members receive a 15% discount!  

US$2,645 for articles submitted in 2024. APC US$2645 for articles submitted in 2025.

Some institutions offer assistance for open access funding. Check our institutional partners list to see if yours is one.

Find out more about Open Access at

Frequently asked questions:

Q: If I pay the author fee, will I also be billed for color page charges and for over-length paper charges?
A: TNB charges for over-length papers but does not charge for color pages. The overlength charges will be applicable for all articles published, whether open access or traditional. For both open access submissions and traditional submissions, these charges are not calculated until the article is ready for release. These charges are therefore requested towards the end of the production process and not at acceptance, when the open access fee will be requested. Therefore, the total cost to publish an open access article in an IEEE journal will include the author processing fee plus any applicable over-length page charges. Authors will not be be asked to pay voluntary pages charges for an open access submission.

Q: Do I need to sign an IEEE copyright transfer form for an open access article?
A: It is the policy of the IEEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes on behalf of the interests of the IEEE, its authors, and their employers, and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others. To comply with the United States Copyright Law, authors are required to sign a digital version of the IEEE Copyright Form upon acceptance of the manuscript. Authors will automatically be redirected to the eCF (electronic Copyright Form) after they have submitted the final files. The eCF makes signing a publishing agreement easy. The form will determine which agreement meets your needs and enable you to complete it on-screen.

More information can be found at Questions can directed to .

Q: What is the difference between “free” content and an “open access” article, as noted in IEEE Xplore?
A: There is some content within IEEE Xplore that is labeled as free. This content is typically not technical in nature, e.g. tables of contents, covers, advertisements, etc. This content is available to all within IEEE Xplore and it is not supported by author processing fees.

Open access is content that is technical in nature, supported by author processing fees, and available to all.

Q: Is the peer review process different for open access articles compared to traditional articles?
A: No. All IEEE journals, transactions, and letters have the same high standard of peer review for all content submitted, regardless of open access status.

In addition, IEEE’s open access, multi-disciplinary journal, IEEE Access, and fully open access topical journals draw on technical communities for peer reviewers and apply the same care in peer review to ensure that the best possible articles are published.

Q: How does a reader access an open access article?
A: Readers will continue to access IEEE-supported content through the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Open access articles will be labeled as open access and available to all readers, regardless of their subscription base.

Q: How does an author get a copy of the open access article for posting?
A: Authors of articles in most IEEE journals, whether open access or traditional, will receive a copy of their article through the IEEE Author Gateway during the production process. The copy will be clearly labeled as suitable for posting according to IEEE policy.

The IEEE Author Gateway is the same web page that most authors have visited to retrieve and review their author page proof prior to final publication of their article.

If a journal does not use the IEEE Author Gateway, authors will need to work with their IEEE production staff contact to obtain a copy of the article for posting.