PULSE On Stage: Can AI Truly Transform Healthcare? Reality vs. Hype

PULSE On Stage: Can AI Truly Transform Healthcare? Reality vs. Hype

PULSE On Stage: Can AI Truly Transform Healthcare? Reality vs. Hype 618 371 IEEE Pulse
Author(s): IEEE Pulse

IEEE PULSE On Stage brings together global thought leaders in the fields of biomedical engineering and medicine to inform, connect and effect change to benefit human life through inspiring talks and engaging dialog. We focus on solving the issues of today and help define what’s possible tomorrow.
IEEE PULSE On Stage events are live, one-day events, and typically are available as on-demand video after the conference. Attendees may be able to earn CMEs, depending on the event.

Can AI Truly Transform Healthcare? Reality vs. Hype

Treasure Island Resort, Las Vegas, NV, USA
During HIMSS18, IEEE Pulse on Stage hosted industry insiders, including IBM and Microsoft Research, medical professionals, and business leaders for a special event exploring the true potential of artificial intelligence to transform modern healthcare. Presenters provided knowledgeable insights into the hype versus reality of AI in medicine, as well as what the future of AI has in store for transforming the landscape of diagnostics and personal health.
If you missed the event, click here to see the video!
Featured Speakers Include:

  • Salwa G. Rafee – IBM Watson Health Industry Leader
  • Rich Caruana, Ph.D – Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research
  • Bettina Experton, MD – President & CEO, Humetrix
  • Jon Duke, MD – Director of Health Informatics, Georgia Tech College of Computing and Principal Researcher, Georgia Tech Research Institute