
Stomach 3D Reconstruction Using Virtual Chromoendoscopic Images

Author(s)3: Aji Resindra Widya, Yusuke Monno, Masatoshi Okutomi, Sho Suzuki, Takuji Gotoda, Kenji Miki
Stomach 3D Reconstruction Using Virtual Chromoendoscopic Images 150 150 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)

Objective. Gastric endoscopy is a golden standard in the clinical process that enables medical practitioners to diagnose various lesions inside a patient’s stomach. If a lesion is found, a success…

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Urine Flow Dynamics Through Prostatic Urethra With Tubular Organ Modeling Using Endoscopic Imagery

Urine Flow Dynamics Through Prostatic Urethra With Tubular Organ Modeling Using Endoscopic Imagery 540 285 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)

Voiding dysfunction is common in the aged male population. However, the obstruction mechanism in the lower urinary tract and critical points for obstruction remains uncertain. The aim of this paper…

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