DIGITAL HEALTH INFORMATICS WORKSHOP, Oct 17, 2022 150 150 Standards Community (SC)
Author(s): Ying Fang, Greg Orekhov, Zachary F. Lerner

The IEEE Industrial Electronics Society is sponsoring a workshop on building Requirements for Digital Health Data Informatics & Interoperability.  Digital Health data is exceptionally valuable to Industry for keeping industry employees in good general health and pro-actively acting for potential exposures that can happen in an industry setting.  Data for health analysis can come from multiple sources including medical devices, medical records, consumer health measurement devices, digital twins and even some industry control devices and sensors.  This data provides multiple opportunities to assist the individual and business to pro-actively manage health situations. However, to reach these opportunities the data must be usefully organized, with security for all individuals, and accessibility to data with suitable authentication. This can be achieved with a suitable data organization with requirements and standards to address organization and accessibility. This opens major opportunities for efficient industry. The objective of this workshop is to define an informatics framework model with which we can build the requirement, standards, and security structures for successful uses.  This workshop technically partners with other IEEE societies.

For more details please visit the workshop website here

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