Career Corner

Beyond the Borders: Mentoring Enhances Professional Skills

Beyond the Borders: Mentoring Enhances Professional Skills 150 150 IEEE Pulse
The IEEE EMBS Student Mentoring Program (SMP) is an international community of engineering in medicine where many experts of BME come together. read more

Early Career Spotlight

Early Career Spotlight 150 150 IEEE Pulse
For this issue, we feature Josh Niesen. He is 3½ years into his position with Medtronic, after spending two summers as an intern during college. Josh earned the B.S. degree in biomedical engineering (BME) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. read more

Careers in Academic Research and Industrial R&D

Author(s)3: Jay Goldberg
Careers in Academic Research and Industrial R&D 150 150 IEEE Pulse

I recently attended the 2017 meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society in Phoenix, Arizona, during which I spoke to many junior and senior biomedical engineering students about graduate school. When…

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Propelling Your Career

Author(s)3: Lauren Celano, Cristian A. Linte
Propelling Your Career 150 150 IEEE Pulse

Many are striving to understand what the “career ecosystem” looks like and wonder what it will look like by the time they will have finished their current degree, completed their…

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Short-Term Strategic Career Planning: No, It’s Never Too Early!

Author(s)3: Cristian A. Linte
Short-Term Strategic Career Planning: No, It’s Never Too Early! 150 150 IEEE Pulse

No one is going to look after your career for you, but you,” states Erin Malone in her 2004 article “Planning your Future” [1]. Nor will anyone wait for you…

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