Vaclav Klemen

Vaclav Kremen

Vaclav Klemen

Neurology, Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, USA CIIRC, Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Expertise: implantable neural stimulation devices, closed-loop systems, neuromodulation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, signal processing, wearable devices and embedded to distributive closed loop systems including long-term in-home monitoring, translational engineering in medicine.

Vaclav Klemen is currently an Associate Professor of biomedical engineering and Assistant Professor of neurology, Principal Engineer and Research Fellow at Neurology Department at Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, USA and Senior Researcher at Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics at Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic.

Vaclav is a senior member of IEEE and member of Engineering in Medicine and Biology society (EMBS) as well as member of The International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE).
Vaclav is interested in applications of advanced signal processing methods, artificial intelligence and machine learning in domain of biomedical engineering and analysis of multichannel, multiscale time domain signals (such as intracranial EEG, surface EEG, intra-cardiac ECG, multichannel surface ECG etc.). Vaclav has been developing research ideas in basic, clinical, and translational research for neurology and cardiology and is a co-author of over 90 research publications. Vaclav also co-authored several US and international patents of research he has been carrying over. He is passionate about translating research into a clinical practice and new device technologies to advance healthcare care and industry.