Cesar Bandera, PhD

Cesar Bandera

Cesar Bandera, PhD

Leir Chair in Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Management, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA

I am an electrical engineer thrust into entrepreneurship in the mid-80’s. At the New Jersey Institute of Technology, I hold the Leir Endowed Chair for Entrepreneurship and the title of NJIT Master Teacher. My research interests lie in entrepreneurship pedagogy, technology-driven business incubation, and mobile healthcare. At least once I have taught every NJIT course in entrepreneurship, and I mentor many of our student- and faculty-led ventures. I also practice what I preach, being a serial entrepreneur and currently the founding partner of an m-health company that serves CDC, NIH, EPA, and foreign ministries of health.

I received a Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University at Buffalo, NY, with a concentration in biomimetic machine vision and AI. My work has yielded journal and conference publications and book chapters, four patents, the NASA Space Act award, New Jersey’s first Small Business Success Story designation by the National Institutes of Health, and two Small Business of the Year Nominations from the US Department of Defense. I work with an awesome team of Ph.D students in Business Data Science at the Martin Tuchman School of Management, I am National NSF I-Corps Instructor, Associate Editor of the IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, Associate Editor of the International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation, member of the AACSB Entrepreneurship and Innovation Steering Committee, Senior Member IEEE, and served on the board of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship and as Director of the Academy of the International Council for Small Business.

When I am not in publish-or-perish mode, I rebuild antique single-ended vacuum tube amps, jam on vintage Moog synthesizers, and try to keep roadworthy a 5.0 Mustang ragtop, all which are older than most NJIT students and faculty.