Atam Dhawan, PhD
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, USA
Expertise: medical imaging, computer aided diagnosis, POCT
Dr. Dhawan is Distinguished Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Executive Director of Undergraduate Research and Innovation, and Vice Provost for Research and Development at NJIT. He has published over 215 research papers and book chapters. He has also authored and co-authored several books in medical imaging, and image analysis. He is a recipient of numerous awards including Martin Epstein Award (1984), NIH FIRST Award (1988), Sigma-Xi Young Investigator Award (1992), IEEE EMBS Early Career Achievement Award (1995), Doermann Distinguished Lecture Award (1999) and EMBS Distinguished Lecturer award (2012-2013). He is an IEEE Fellow and Co-Editor-In-Chief of the IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine. He was the Conference Chair of the IEEE 28th International Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, New York in 2006, He served as the Conference Chair of IEEE International Conference on Point-of-Care Healthcare Technologies in 2013. Dr. Dhawan has chaired numerous NIH special emphasis and review panels including the NIH Chartered Study Section on Biomedical Computing and Health Informatics (2008-11). His research interests lie in medical imaging, medical image analysis, point-of-care technologies, pattern recognition and computer-aided-diagnosis.