Wearable system

Fig.2 (a). Back view of the garment; (b) Adjustable design; (c) Sensor embedded in the strip.

Stroke Patients’ Acceptance of a Smart Garment for Supporting Upper Extremity Rehabilitation

Author(s)3: Qi Wang, Annick Timmermans, Wei Chen, Jie Jia, Li Ding, Li Xiong, Jifeng Rong, Panos Markopoulos
Stroke Patients’ Acceptance of a Smart Garment for Supporting Upper Extremity Rehabilitation 713 506 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)

        The objective is to evaluate to which extent that Zishi a garment equipped with sensors that can support posture monitoring can be used in upper extremity rehabilitation training of…

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