A Data-Driven Simulator for the Strategic Positioning of Aerial Ambulance Drones Reaching Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests: A Genetic Algorithmic Approach

Author(s)3: Conor Mackle, Raymond Bond, Hannah Torney, Ronan Mcbride, James McLaughlin, Dewar Finlay, Pardis Biglarbeigi, Rob Brisk, Adam Harvey, David Mc Eneaney
A Data-Driven Simulator for the Strategic Positioning of Aerial Ambulance Drones Reaching Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests: A Genetic Algorithmic Approach 701 613 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)

The Internet of Things provide solutions for many societal challenges including the use of unmanned aerial vehicles to assist in emergency situations that are out of immediate reach for traditional…

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