The techniques for noninvasive measurement of brain function such as electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) have been used in diagnosing brain conditions. However, the conventional techniques have critical limitations of spatial or temporal resolution. Here, we developed a novel technique which enables the precise measurement of dynamic brain signals and localized identification of active brain regions. In this technique, termed as magnetically biased field (MBF), human brain signal is measured as the fluctuation of a transcranial static magnetic field emitted by a coil placed on the scalp. The validity of MBF was confirmed by the measurement of somatosensory evoked signals. Fast somatosensory evoked signals were successfully observed. Localized maximum positive and negative deflections appeared at the region which represents the right primary somatosensory area contralateral to the stimulated hand. The ability of MBF to detect dynamic brain activity precisely can have numerous applications such as diagnosing brain diseases and brain-machine interfaces.