
A Multi-task based Deep Learning Framework with Landmark Detection For MRI Couinaud Segmentation

A Multi-task based Deep Learning Framework with Landmark Detection For MRI Couinaud Segmentation 150 150 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)
Objective: To achieve precise Couinaud liver segmentation in preoperative planning for hepatic surgery, accommodating the complex anatomy and significant variations, optimizing surgical approaches, reducing postoperative complications, and preserving liver function.… read more

A Multi-task based Deep Learning Framework with Landmark Detection For MRI Couinaud Segmentation

A Multi-task based Deep Learning Framework with Landmark Detection For MRI Couinaud Segmentation 150 150 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)
Objective: To achieve precise Couinaud liver segmentation in preoperative planning for hepatic surgery, accommodating the complex anatomy and significant variations, optimizing surgical approaches, reducing postoperative complications, and preserving liver function.… read more

A Multi-task based Deep Learning Framework with Landmark Detection For MRI Couinaud Segmentation

A Multi-task based Deep Learning Framework with Landmark Detection For MRI Couinaud Segmentation 150 150 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)
Objective: To achieve precise Couinaud liver segmentation in preoperative planning for hepatic surgery, accommodating the complex anatomy and significant variations, optimizing surgical approaches, reducing postoperative complications, and preserving liver function.… read more

Video-based Respiratory Rate Estimation for Infants in the NICU

Video-based Respiratory Rate Estimation for Infants in the NICU 150 150 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)
Objective: Non-contact respiratory rate estimation (RR) is highly desirable for infants because of their sensitive skin. We propose a novel RGB video-based RR estimation method for infants in the neonatal… read more

Video-based Respiratory Rate Estimation for Infants in the NICU

Video-based Respiratory Rate Estimation for Infants in the NICU 150 150 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)
Objective: Non-contact respiratory rate estimation (RR) is highly desirable for infants because of their sensitive skin. We propose a novel RGB video-based RR estimation method for infants in the neonatal… read more

Video-based Respiratory Rate Estimation for Infants in the NICU

Video-based Respiratory Rate Estimation for Infants in the NICU 150 150 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)
Objective: Non-contact respiratory rate estimation (RR) is highly desirable for infants because of their sensitive skin. We propose a novel RGB video-based RR estimation method for infants in the neonatal… read more

Video-based Respiratory Rate Estimation for Infants in the NICU

Video-based Respiratory Rate Estimation for Infants in the NICU 150 150 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)
Objective: Non-contact respiratory rate estimation (RR) is highly desirable for infants because of their sensitive skin. We propose a novel RGB video-based RR estimation method for infants in the neonatal… read more

Video-based Respiratory Rate Estimation for Infants in the NICU

Video-based Respiratory Rate Estimation for Infants in the NICU 150 150 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)
Objective: Non-contact respiratory rate estimation (RR) is highly desirable for infants because of their sensitive skin. We propose a novel RGB video-based RR estimation method for infants in the neonatal… read more

A Novel Chest-based PPG Measurement System

A Novel Chest-based PPG Measurement System 150 150 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)
Advancements in integrated circuit (IC) technology have accelerated the miniaturization of body-worn sensors and systems, enabling long-term health monitoring. Wearable electrocardiogram (ECG), finger photoplethysmogram (PPG), and wrist-worn PPG have shown… read more