Role of TC-BSP

Biomedical Signal Processing (BSP) is a wide area of interest inside Biomedical Engineering (BME). Concepts of basic and advanced BSP are almost mandatory provided both at undergraduate and graduate level in every curriculum of BME, as well as in PhD tracks. Further, every research in the area of BME requires at a certain extent to develop or use algorithms of BSP in their protocols. Actually, a modern vision of BSP considers it as a fundamental step in order to obtain a profitable integration between data, signal and image processing with physiological modelling aspects. That can be fulfilled by implementing the so-called Multi-Paradigm: i.e., integrating Multivariate, Multiorgan, Multisource, Multimodal and Multiscale Biomedical Information, through proper methods and approaches. Such a vision emphasizes the fact that BSP is not only to study, develop and apply methods and algorithms of signal processing to medical and biological problems, but mainly to integrate advanced knowledge of information treatment to physiological, biological and clinical problems.

This multi-method and multi-discipline characteristic is really fundamental in our approach, requires a dedicated professional figure, well trained inside specialised University curricula, and could really contribute to an improvement of the knowledge of the modern Biology and Medicine, as well as to provide the community of biomedical scientists with innovative tools for a better interpretation of Life Science phenomena. The Technical Committee of BSP aims at creating a strong link between the community of researchers in various interdisciplinary areas and the EMB Society, by promoting the diffusion of BSP basic and advanced methods and applicative tools inside various frames: i.e. Special Topic Conferences, Summer Schools, the dedicated Theme inside the Annual EMBS Conferences, international liaisons with other external scientific societies, as well as with companies in the areas of biomedical equipment, devices and drugs.