Graduate Life

The Match Day That Could Have Been

Author(s)3: Matthew Canver
The Match Day That Could Have Been 150 150 IEEE Pulse

The long anticipated day has finally arrived: the “Match Day” that could have been. Once medical students choose their specialty at the beginning of their fourth year (i.e., pediatrics, surgery, neurology, etc.), they apply to…

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The Power of Thought and the Value of Being Lost

Author(s)3: Zen Liu
The Power of Thought and the Value of Being Lost 150 150 IEEE Pulse

The last time I sat down to write this column, I was in the midst of the most tumultuous period of my adult life to date. I had openly admitted to my advisor that…

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Be Brave

Author(s)3: Zen Liu
Be Brave 150 150 IEEE Pulse

In my worst moments, when I was feeling like I had made no progress in my thesis work and that my advisor had lost all faith in me, I would…

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The Fourth Author

Author(s)3: Matthew Canver
The Fourth Author 150 150 IEEE Pulse

“Publish or perish” is the old axiom that is heard in the research realm. As a graduate student, the emphasis on publications as a metric of success is often difficult…

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The Figure One Problem

Author(s)3: Matthew Canver
The Figure One Problem 150 150 IEEE Pulse

Like many undergraduate students, my plans and ideas for my career trajectory evolved over time. As I have written about before, I went back and forth during college about whether to…

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Triple Threat

Author(s)3: Matthew Canver
Triple Threat 150 150 IEEE Pulse

The start of my second year of graduate school has brought some refreshing changes. I no longer walk into the lab with the paralyzing fear that I do not know…

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Women in Leadership: Goldilocks Syndrome

Author(s)3: Zen Liu
Women in Leadership: Goldilocks Syndrome 150 150 IEEE Pulse

Most children have probably heard the classic fairy tale “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.” A young girl with golden hair wanders into the empty house of three different bears—one small,…

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