Editor’s Picks

Gaitmap—An Open Ecosystem for IMU-Based Human Gait Analysis and Algorithm Benchmarking 150 150 IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB)

Gaitmap—An Open Ecosystem for IMU-Based Human Gait Analysis and Algorithm Benchmarking

We present an elaborate open-source ecosystem for IMU-based gait analysis, including multiple algorithms, tooling, and benchmarks. This simplifies the development of applications as well as the creation and validation of new algorithms.

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Simulation of Image-Guided Microwave Ablation Therapy Using a Digital Twin Computational Model 150 150 IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB)

Simulation of Image-Guided Microwave Ablation Therapy Using a Digital Twin Computational Model

This work provides a transformational framework for employing image-based biomarkers to create digital twins to enhance patient specificity, inform clinical decisions, and expand applications of microwave ablation to treat hepatic cancer.

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Expecting the Unexpected: Predicting Panic Attacks From Mood, Twitter, and Apple Watch Data 150 150 IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB)

Expecting the Unexpected: Predicting Panic Attacks From Mood, Twitter, and Apple Watch Data

This prospective study on the greatest number of panic attacks to date suggests daily mood rating, state-level Twitter mood, and wearables data could each help predict next-day panic attack onset.

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A Propulsion Neuroprosthesis Improves Overground Walking in Community-Dwelling Individuals After Stroke 150 150 IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB)

A Propulsion Neuroprosthesis Improves Overground Walking in Community-Dwelling Individuals After Stroke

Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is a common neuromotor intervention whereby electrically evoked dorsiflexor muscle contractions assist foot clearance during walking. Plantarflexor neurostimulation has recently emerged to assist and retrain gait…

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Pulse2AI: An Adaptive Framework to Standardize and Process Pulsatile Wearable Sensor Data for Clinical Applications 150 150 IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB)

Pulse2AI: An Adaptive Framework to Standardize and Process Pulsatile Wearable Sensor Data for Clinical Applications

Goal: To establish Pulse2AI as a reproducible data preprocessing framework for pulsatile signals that generate high-quality machine-learning-ready datasets from raw wearable recordings. Methods: We proposed an end-to-end data preprocessing framework…

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Masked Modeling-Based Ultrasound Image Classification via Self-Supervised Learning 150 150 IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB)

Masked Modeling-Based Ultrasound Image Classification via Self-Supervised Learning

Recently, deep learning-based methods have emerged as the preferred approach for ultrasound data analysis. However, these methods often require large-scale annotated datasets for training deep models, which are not readily…

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