Welcome to the IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (IEEE OJEMB). Our purpose is to serve the community of innovators whose work spans medicine, technology, and science, and our unique focus is to promote the highest quality cross-disciplinary research in these fields. This focus is an expression of our belief that the future of medicine lies in a collaboration between biology and technology, and that fostering interactions across these disciplines is key to promoting the discoveries that are most likely to improve clinical care.

Read our Most Recent Articles

Our scope covers the development and application of engineering concepts and methods to biology, medicine and health sciences to provide effective solutions to biological, medical and healthcare problems. Listen to EMB leadership discuss their vision for IEEE OJEMB.

Our Formats

To facilitate bringing together researchers who typically publish their work in Science and Nature and researchers who typically publish their work in engineering journals, we offer a “dual format.”

Authors choose between two templates:

  • The Science Manuscript template allows authors to focus primarily on their scientific discoveries.
  • The Technology Manuscript template puts more emphasis on the development of a technology or a technological solution.

More about our Formats and Instructions for Authors

Gold Open Access

IEEE OJEMB is a gold, fully open-access journal, which means that authors retain ownership of the copyright to their papers, and readers can access the full text and pdf on IEEE Xplore® for free, but also that authors pay article processing charges, upon acceptance and before publication.

IEEE’s Explanation of OA and APCs

Article Processing Charge (APC): US$1,995


  • Active IEEE Members receive a 5% discount.
  • A 20% discount is given to authors who are currently active members in one of the journal’s sponsoring societies.
  • Students and Graduate Students are not eligible for the membership discount.

Rapid Review Process

IEEE OJEMB is committed to a rapid review process. To facilitate this, we use a “pre-review” process, in which we screen submissions and determine within 2 to 3 days if the manuscript should undergo full review. Our aim is complete full review within 2 to 3 weeks.

As such, we have assembled a group of nearly 150 individuals who are committed to ensuring that IEEE OJEMB publishes the highest quality research as rapidly as possible. Our Advisory Board is responsible for strategic guidance.

Our Associate Editors and the Members of our Editorial Board are solely focused on assuring a rapid review process to make the highest-quality papers available to the scientific community in a timely manner.

Instructions for Authors

Submit a Manuscript through ScholarOne Manuscripts

EMBS OA Journal Podcast

EMBS OA Journal Podcast 1: Nigel Lowell

EMBS OA Journal Podcast 2: Metin Akay