
Attention Feature Fusion Network via Knowledge Propagation for Automated Respiratory Sound Classification

Attention Feature Fusion Network via Knowledge Propagation for Automated Respiratory Sound Classification 150 150 IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB)
Goal: In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the early diagnosis of respiratory diseases has become increasingly crucial. Traditional diagnostic methods such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),… read more

Accelerometry-Based Digital Gait Characteristics for Classification of Parkinson’s Disease: What Counts?

Author(s)3: Silvia Del Din, Cameron Kirk, Lynn Rochester, Christopher Buckley, Maria Encarna Mico-Amigo, Claudia Mazza, Michael Dunne-Willows, Jian Quing Shi, Rana Zia Ur Rehman, Lisa Alcock
Accelerometry-Based Digital Gait Characteristics for Classification of Parkinson’s Disease: What Counts? 800 545 IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB)

Gait may be a useful biomarker that can be objectively measured with wearable technology to classify Parkinson’s disease (PD). This study aims to: (i) comprehensively quantify a battery of commonly…

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