May D. Wang

Title and Affiliation

Associate Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Parker H. Petit Institute of Bioengineering and Biosciences
Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University
Winship Cancer Institute

Georgia Research Alliance Distinguished Cancer Scholar

Biocomputing and Bioinformatics Core in Emory-Georgia Tech Cancer Nanotechnology Center

Georgia Tech Center for Bio-Imaging Mass Spectrometry

Web Page

May D. Wang


Phone: 404-385-2954
Address: 313 Fesrt Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332

Research Interests

Big Data analytics:  Biomedical and Health Informatics for Personalized and Predictive Health

  • Next-generation sequencing and –omic data bioinformatics
  • Microscopic imaging informatics
  • Acute/chronic/genetics health informatics & mobile-health

Health Decision and Clinical Decision Support System Development


Dynamic Systems Modeling for Prediction:  Molecular Pathways


Dr. Wang’s primary research interest is in biomedical and health informatics for systems medicine, with the goal to accelerate and enable the discovery, development, and translation in modern biology, medicine, and healthcare. She has been publishing in journals such as Annals of Biomedical Eng, BMC Bioinformatics, Trends in Biotechnology, Nature Protocols, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, Annual Review of Medicine, The Pharmacogenomics Journal, Nature Biotechnology, and Genome Biology etc. Her team has developed multiple informatics software systems. Among these, caCORRECT and omniBiomarker have been certified by NCI caBIG as silver-level compatible. During 2005-2010, Dr. Wang has served as the director of Bioinformatics and Biocomputing Core in NCI sponsored Emory-Georgia Tech Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence. In addition, she has played an active role in working groups of National Cancer Institute (NCI/NIH) cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG) on nanoinformatics, and FDA-led Microarray Quality Control Consortium (MAQC) on investigating regulatory guideline for biomarker. Currently, she serves as co-chair of Information Technology for Health (ITH) Technical Committee (TC) in IEEE EMBS.

Dr. Wang received Distinguished Cancer Scholar Award from Georgia Cancer Coalition in 2004, an Outstanding Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentor Award from Georgia Tech in 2005, and an Outstanding Service Award from IEEE BIBE in 2007. Dr. Wang received Ph.D.EE, multidisciplinary MS degrees (EE, Applied Math, and CS) from Georgia Institute of Technology in USA, and BEng from Tsinghua University in China. In addition, Dr. Wang has several years of industrial R&D experience in the former AT&T Bell Labs, Intel Architecture Labs, Hughes Research Labs, Lucent Technologies Bell Labs, and Agere Systems.


Outstanding Academic Service Award, IEEE SMC and IEEE Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE) Conference, 2007

“Thank a Teacher” Recognition, Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL), Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007

Georgia Tech Outstanding Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentor Award, 2005

NSF-IEEE EMBS Summer School Distinguished Faculty Member, 2005

Georgia Cancer Coalition Distinguished Cancer Scholar, 2004

Lab Page

Bio-medical Informatics and Bioimaging Laboratory (Bio-MIBLab)

Selected Journal Publications

*equal contributing authors
#co-corresponding authors

Moffitt RA, Yin-Goen Q, Stokes TH, Parry RM, Torrance JH, Phan JH, Young AN, and Wang MD, “caCORRECT2: Improving the accuracy and reliability of microarray data in the presence of artifacts,” BMC Bioinformatics, To appear. (2011)

Quo CF, Moffitt RA, Merrill AH, and Wang MD, “Adaptive control model reveals systematic feedback and key molecules in metabolic pathway regulation,” J Comp. Biol. 2011 Feb;18(2):169-82

Parry RM, *Jones W, *Stokes TH, Phan JH, Moffitt RA, Fang H, Shi L, Oberthuer A, Fischer M, #Tong W, and #Wang MD, “K-nearest neighbors (KNN) models for microarray gene-expression analysis and clinical outcome prediction”. The Pharmacogenomics Journal, 10: pp. 292-309. Also appears in Nature Biotechnology, 28(10s): S62-79. (2010)

#Singhal S, #Nie SM, and #Wang MD (co-corresponding authors), “Nanotechnology in surgical oncology,” Annual Review of Medicine, 61: pp. 359-73 (2010)

The MAQC Consortium Shi, L. et al. (Wang MD, Phan JH, Stokes TH, Parry RM, Moffitt RA and 190 other authors), “The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC)-II study of common practices for the development and validation of microarray-based predictive models,” Nature Biotechnology 28(8):827-838. Also appears in Nature Biotechnology, 28(10s): S5-S16. (2010)

Smith AM, Wen MM, Wang MD, and Nie SM, “Size-minimized Quantum Dots for molecular and cellular imaging,” Proceedings of Nobel Symposium: Single Molecule Spectroscopy in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology 96 (4): pp. 187-201 (2009)

Chaudry Q, Raza SH, Young AN, and Wang MD, “Automated renal cell carcinoma subtype classification using morphological, textural, and wavelets based features,” Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Special Issue on Biomedical Imaging, 55(1): pp. 15-23 (2009)

Phan JH, Moffitt RA, Stokes TH, Liu J, Young AN, #Nie SM, and #Wang MD, “Convergence of biomarkers, bioinformatics, and nanotechnology for individualized cancer treatment,” Trends in Biotechnology, 27(6): pp.350-8 (2009)

Quo CF, and Wang MD, “Quantitative analysis of numerical solvers for oscillatory biomolecular system models,” BMC Bioinformatics 9 (Suppl 6): S17, pp. 1-11 (2008)

Stokes TH, Torrance JT, Li H, and Wang MD, “ArrayWiki: An enabling technology for sharing public microarray data repositories and meta-analyses,” BMC Bioinformatics 9 (Suppl 6): S18, pp. 1-14 (2008).

Qian X, Peng XH, Ansari DO, Yin-Goen Q, Chen GZ, Shin DM, Yang L, Young AN, Wang MD, and Nie S, “In vivo tumor targeting and spectroscopic detection with surface-enhanced Raman nanoparticle tags,” Nature Biotechnology 26(1): 83-90 (2008)

*Stokes TH, *Moffitt RA, Phan JH, and Wang MD, “chip artifact CORRECTion (caCORRECT): A bioinformatics system for quality assurance of genomics and proteomics array data,” Annuals of Biomedical Engineering 35(6): 1068-1080 (2007)

#Wang MD, #Simons JW, and #Nie SM, “Biomedical nanotechnology with bioinformatics – the promise and current progress,” Proceedings of the IEEE 95(7): 1386-1389 (2007)

Xing Y., Qaiser C, Shen C, Kong KY, Zhau HE, Chung LW, Petros JA, O’Regan RM, Yezhelyev MV, Simons JW, #Wang MD, and #Nie SM (co-corresponding senior authors), “Bioconjugated quantum dots for multiplexed and quantitative immunohistochemistry,” Nature Protocols 2(5): 1152-1165 (2007)

Zeeberg BR, Feng W, Wang G, Wang MD, Fojo AT, Sunshine M, Narasimhan S, Kane DW, Reinhold WC, Lababidi S, Bussey KJ, Riss J, Barrett JC, and Weinstein JN, “GoMiner: A resource for biological interpretation of genomic and proteomic data,” Genome Biology 4: R28 (2003)

Selected Conference Publications

Quo CF, Moffitt RA, Merrill AH Jr., and Wang MD, “Adaptive Control Model Reveals Systematic Feedback and Key Molecules in Metabolic Pathway Regulation,” International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2010), pp. 169-182. (2010).

Kothari S, Phan JH, Moffitt RA, Stokes TH, Hassberger SE, Chaudry Q, Young AN, and Wang MD, “Automatic Bacth-Invarient Color Segmentation of Histological Cancer Images,” IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2011). In Press. (2011).