Research Interests:
- Epitranscriptome (mRNA methylation)
- High throughput detection of single-base m6A and other mRNA methylation sites
- Elucidating m6A regulatory mechanisms
- Uncovering roles of m6A in virus and cancer
- Machine learning and AI for Biomedical research
- Interpretable deep learning for drug responses and gene dependency prediction from genomics data
- Single-cell sequencing analysis
- Privacy and security of biomedical AI systems
- Brain-Computer Interface
- Deep learning systems for understanding cognitive behaviors from EEG
- EEG-based passive BCI system
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement:
To serve as the finance chair of BSN and BHI conferences
To serve on the BHI TC to plan for BHI activities
To serve as an AE for EBMC
To assist EBMS to establish New Budget Process
Voting Members
Research Interests:
- My research focuses on novel technologies for cost-effective high-throughput screening of novel cancer drugs and therapeutics and assessment of treatment responses.
- I am currently exploring the effect of maternal cigarette smoking and/or alcohol consumption during pregnancy by analyzing the mRNA expressions of a single cell analysis of the infant rats’ dopamine neurons using patch-clamp electrophysiology and DNA microarrays.
- My most recent publications can be found in the link:
IEEE EMBS Activities / Leadership:
- Senior Member, IEEE
- Member, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society,
- Associate Editor, IEEE OJEMB
- Associate Editor, NER’21
- Managing Editor, Wiley Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering
- International Program Director, IEEE EMBS Summer School on Biocomplexity, Crete, Greece
- International Program Director, IEEE EMBS USA-Turkey Institute for Advance Studies, Antalya, Turkey.
- International Program Director, IEEE EMBS Summer School on Biocomplexity, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Faculty and Co-Organizer, IEEE EMBS Summer School on Biocomplexity, Istanbul, Turkey.
Senior Data Scientist, Imperial College, NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre
Research Interests:
- Machine learning and AI for healthcare data (EHR, imaging, omics,..)
- Image computing
- Medical and biomedical imaging
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement:
- 2010-14: Chair (2013-14) and EMBS representative member of the steering committee of the IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- 2013-curr: Member (chair 2013-15) of the IEEE EMBS Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing (BIIP) Technical Committee.
- 2017-19: Vice President for Technical Activities, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB) Society.
- 2013-15: Elected Europe representative for the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB) Society.
- 2021: Keynote program co-chair of the IEEE ISBI conference (Nice, France)
- 2019: Finance chair of the IEEE ISBI conference (Venezia, Italy).
- 2015: General Chair of the IEEE ISBI conference (Brooklyn, NY, USA)
- 2008: Finance chair of the IEEE ISBI conference (Paris, France),
- 2016-19: Associate Editor of the IEEE Journal on Biomedical and Health Informatics.
- 2008-12: Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
- 2014-18: Member (chair 2017-18) of the Steering Committee of the IEEE ISBI conference.
- 2019-curr: Inaugural Associate Editor of the IEEE Open Journal on EMB.
- 2018-curr: Co-chair of the EMBS Summer School on Biomedical Imaging.
Executive director, Life Supporting Technologies
Director, Vodafone Chair
Research Interests:
- Technological paradigms: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Internet of Things for early detection and personalized intervention in the management of chronic patients (cardiology, oncology, neurology, endocrinology and nutrition, psychiatry- mental health)
- Smart environments: digital solutions for Active and Healthy Aging: Smart Cities, Smart Villages, Smart Homes, Smart Offices.
Hospital of the Future: optimization and transformation of clinical, healthcare and health management processes based on - Industry 4.0, robotics and Blockchain technologies, for the pharmaceutical and MedTech sectors.
- Open innovation: co-creation of ecosystems in Living Labs for the transfer of technology to society towards the improvement of the quality of life of individuals.
- Human-machine interaction: persuasive design, affective computing, virtual and augmented reality, human factors and behavioral theories for the definition of innovative services that promote the empowerment of patients and the adoption of healthy lifestyles, respecting ethical principles, security and privacy .
- Knowledge management: data modeling and harmonization, and semantic enrichment for clinical and epidemiological research in multicenter and / or large-scale public health studies.
- Citizen science: generation of knowledge through the participatory involvement of groups and communities through the use of technological applications for the stratification of health and environmental risks.
- COVID 19: definition of guidelines and development of ICT solutions to mitigate the impact of COVID 19, pandemics and future epidemics.
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement:
- To Assist BHI-TC Chair in planning Women-in-BHI Annual Activities for Long Term Continuity
- To stablish funding opportunities for Women-in-BHI
Chief Innovation Officer, Life Supporting Technologies
Financial Director, universAAL IoT Coallition
Secretary, association
Web: http//
Research Interests:
- Predictive Medicine:
- systems for determining and monitoring the combined effects of environment and lifestyle on public health and specific chronic conditions
- citizen science and participatory approaches
- Active and healthy ageing:
- design of personalized interventions based on new technological paradigms
- age friendly living and working environments
- Inclusive design and Accessibility
- Gender issues in science, technology and innovation
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement:
- To Assist BHI-TC Chair in planning Women-in-BHI Annual Activities for Long Term Continuity
Director Center for Intelligent Medical Electronics
Managing editor of IEEE RBME
Associate editor of IEEE JBHI & IEEE TNSRE
Regional representative of IEEE EMBS TC on Wearable Biomedical Sensors and Systems
Chair of IEEE Sensors and Systems China Council
Research Interests:
- Medical Monitoring System
- Smart Flexible Sensor System
- Patient Monitoring and Home monitoring from Neonates to Elderly
- Sleep Monitoring
- Brain Activity Monitoring
- Internet of Things and Health Informatics
- Ambient Intelligence
- Personalized and Smart Environments
- Data fusion of physiological and behavioral signals
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement:
- Managing editor of IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering
- Associate editor of IEEE Journal of Biomedical Health Informatics
- Associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
- Contribute to the IEEE EMBS TC on BHI
- Regional representative of IEEE EMBS TC on Wearable Biomedical Sensors and Systems
- Organizing committee of BHI-BSN conferences
- Special session chair of BHI’19, BHI’21
Research Interests:
My primary areas of research focus on biomedical data science and mobile health; my work includes multi-omics, wearable sensor, and electronic health records integration and digital biomarker discovery. My lab’s overarching goal is to develop and test tools and infrastructure using biomedical and health data for early detection, intervention, and prevention of disease. Our projects include improving health monitoring through personalized, real-time risk classification and tailored, remote intervention strategies.
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement and Plan:
- Managing editor at JBHI
- To help BHI-TC organize regular technical activities such as education, journal and conference program committees etc. with a focus on Theme-4: Sensor Informatics and AI (e.g. work on physiological data from wearable sensors, bedmasters etc.) and Theme-1: Translational Bioinformatics and AI (e.g. work on various -omics data)
- Role-01: BHI-TC Voting Member: if you have already been performing at least one specific technical task(s) such as reviewing BHI paper submissions, and/or organizing at least one BHI related sessions, etc., you should select this role.
Professor of Biomedical Engineering, FIEEE, FEAMBES, FIAMBE,
Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Head of the Unit of Medical Technology and Intelligent Information Systems, University of Ioannina/FORTH, Ioannina, Greece
Contact: , Tel: +302651009006
Research Interests:
- multiscale modeling of human tissues and organs
- processing of heterogeneous medical and genetic data for diagnosis and prognosis
- intelligent systems for patient monitoring and treatment
- wearable monitoring platforms
- bioinformatics
- medical image and signal processing
IEEE EMBS Activity Planning and Involvement:
- Editor in Chief of IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
- IEEE BHI 2021 -2022 Program Co-Chair
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board in IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering
- Associate Editor of the IEEE Open Journal in Engineering in Biology and Medicine and Computers in Biology and Medicine
Research Interests:
- mHealth tools
- Computer vision, machine learning, deep learning
- Tracking systems, state space modelling, filtering
- Embedded computing
- Sensors, wearable devices
- Human energy intake and energy expenditure
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement:
- To assist BHI-BSN steering committee
- To help coordinate workshops for BHI-BSN annual meeting
- Associate editor for IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
- To help promote EMBS conferences and journals to health and social science fields related to human energy intake, obesity, diabetes, and kidney diseases
Contact: ; phone: 404-385-1724
Research Interests:
- Non-invasive physiological sensing and modulation for human health and performance
- Wearable sensor informatics
- Wearable sensing of bio-acoustics and vibrations
- Ballistocardiography and seismocardiography
- Wearable joint health monitoring
- Sensor-feedback enabled neuromodulation
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement:
- Associate Editor of IEEE J-BHI
- Theme 10 Editor for IEEE EMBC (Biomedical and Health Informatics Theme)
- Organizing Committee and Associate Editor for IEEE BHI
- Technical Committee Member for Cardio-Pulmonary Systems and Translational Engineering for Healthcare Innovations
- PC, TPC, and Review Committee member for multiple IEEE EMBS conferences (e.g., BSN, BHI, BioCAS)
Research Interests:
- Technology for health interventions
- Home monitoring
- Computational modeling
- Medical decision making
- Ethical issues in health informatics
- AI in medicine
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement and Plan:
- EMBC Associate Editor, 2017 – present
- BHI Diversity and Inclusion Co-chair – 2019 – present
Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University, Department of Radiology, New York Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, NY, USA.
Contact: Email: , Voice / Office: +1 (212) 854-6539
Research Interests:
My research interests include methods in quantitative image analysis, image formation, bio-mechanical
measures of strain, and bio-imaging/medical/health informatics (including machine and deep learning).
I have been working in the area of medical image analysis for over 25 years and have published over 300 papers
in the field. Please see for a complete listing of publications. Recently we have a focused on a challenging problem in the area of biomarkers, used machine learning and deep learning (AI) to discover new phenotypes of lung disease via low dose CT imaging.
In general, my passion to solve problems where biomedical imaging can make significant contributions towards understanding a disease process leading to treatment and possible intervention for improving healthcare and patient outcome.
For a complete listing of active and past research projects please see:
IEEE EMBS Activities / Leadership:
- Chair, Technical Committee on Biomedical Health Informatics, IEEE EMBS, 2018 – 2020.
- Fellow IEEE, elevated in 2010
- Chair, Technical Committee on Medical Imaging (IEEE EMBS), 2007-2010.
- Conference Editorial Board, IEEE EMBS, Engineering in Biology and Medicine Annual Conference, Area Editor in Medical Imaging and Image Processing,
Appointed 2010 – present. - Vice President of Publications, IEEE EMBS (Executive Officer, 2008 – 2012, 2 terms).
- Chair, Steering Committee for IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI),
- Served a 3 year term, 5/2011 – 5/2013.
- Chair, Council of Societies, American Institute of Biological and Medical Engineers (AIMBE),
2011-2012. - President Elect, IEEE Engineering in Biology and Medicine Society (EMBS), 2014
- President, IEEE Engineering in Biology and Medicine Society (EMBS), 2015-2016
- Past President, IEEE Engineering in Biology and Medicine Society (EMBS), 2017-2018
IEEE EMBS Managed Conferences:
- Organizing Committee: Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Session on Time-Frequency Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, October, 2001.
- Program Committee: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Macro to Nano, Washington, DC, July, 2002, April, 2004 and 2006.
- Program Committee: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Society (EMBS), October 2005, Shanghai, CHINA. - Program Conference Chair: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Society (EMBS), September 2006, New York City, NY. - Program Conference Co-Chair: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Macro to
Nano, Paris, France, May 14-17, 2008 - Program Conference Chair: Annual Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Society (EMBS), September 2011, Boston, MA. - Program Conference Co-Chair: “IEEE-EMBS International Conferences on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI)”, Valencia, Spain, June 1-4, 2014.
Bioinformatics Program, Department of Bioengineering, Department of Computer Science, College of Engineering and College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago
Research Interests:
- Theory and algorithms for probabilitic landscapes of stochastic networks and predicting disease cellular states
- Computational models of cellular fates, stem cell and regenerative medicine
- Topological data analysis
- Computational models and algorithms for cell and tissue pattern formation
- Protein structure and functions, diagnostics and theraupeutics development
- Membrane proteins and bionanopore design and health diagnostics
- Chromosome folding and cancer disease mechanisms
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement and Plan:
- Conference Co-Chairs, 2019, EMBS Biomedical and Health Informatics Conferences
- Technical Program Co-Chair, 2017, 2018; member, 2016, EMBS Biomedical and Health Informatics Conferences, 2016
- Associate Editor, Conference Editorial Board, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), 2019, 2020 and 2021
- Associate Editor, Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
Visiting Researcher, Technical University of Munich, Germany; Adjunct Faculty/ PhD Supervisor, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India
Research Interests:
- Biomedical imaging and image analysis
- Photoacoustic / Optoacoustic imaging
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Molecular fluorescence imaging
- Augmented reality assisted surgeries
- Point-of-care healthcare devices
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement:
- To develop a strong Young professional/ Student/ Women in Engineering activity program across EMBS Local events and international programs.
- To provide leadership and diversity to IEEE Pulse Magazine and solicit high-quality submissions.
- To support the activities of BHI- TC’s annual activities including special topic conference on BHI/BSN.
- Improving visibility of the BHI activities and publications in select regions (Asia Pacific/ Europe) having strong research culture in Biomedical informatics.
- Act as a liaison between EMB Society and IEEE Humanitarian Committee (HAC) activities.
Director, Multi-scale Immunobiology Design, Algorithms, & Simulation (MIDAS) Lab
University of Houston
Research Interests:
- Multiscale Models of Host Susceptibility and Pathogen Dynamics in TB Disease
- Systems biology based multi-scale integrated modeling platform coupling host and Mtb biochemical and physiological immune response
- Development of empirically-coupled prognostic models of comorbidity, infection and immune response.
- Integrated Modeling to Investigate the Role of Physiological Environment on Host-Pathogen Systems and Microbial Communities
- Characterization and development of host and F. tularensis response models to cytokines and effector molecules in the host-pathogen interface..
- 4D Models and Data Analysis Pipeline for Host-Pathogen Systems and Microbial Communities Characterization and modeling of host-pathogen and microbial community interactions.
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement and Plan:
- Prior and Recent EMBS Activities
- IEEE EMBS Theme Co-Chair – 2012, 2014, 2015
- IEEE EMBC Associate editor/Reviewer 2015 to 2020
- IEEE EMBS Annual Conference Minisymposium organizer and session chair
- Guest Editor for IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine’s special issue “Communication Theory, Coding Theory, and Molecular Biology.” Jan./Feb. 2006
- Technical Track Chair – EMB Conference 2006
- Associate Editor IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine
Irene McCulloch Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Medicine and Biomedical Engineering, Keck School of Medicine and Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California
Research Interests:
- AI in healthcare
- Mobile health
- In-body and on-body medical devices
- Medical imaging
- Biomedical signal and image processing
- Biological systems modeling and control
- Healthcare semantics and big data analysis
- Intelligent healthcare systems
- Medical decision support
EMBS activities involvement:
- Founding Chair, Ambassador and Membership Development Officer of the IEEE EMBS Greece Chapter
- Founder of the Diploma Thesis Competition within the IEEE EMBS Greece Chapter
- IEEE EMBS NTUA Students branch advisor (2019 EMBS R8 Student Chapter award)
- IEEE Greece section chair; Organized series of events on BHI inviting EMBS-DL etc
- Member of the IEEE EMBS Technical Field Awards Committee (2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018)
- Member and Vice chair of the IEEE EMBS Fellow Evaluation Committee (2018, 2019, 2020)
- IEEE Summit “Integrating BHI with AI and IR to Combat Covid-19”, 2021, Co-chair
- EMBC 2021, Theme 10 (BHI) Co-chair
- EMBC 2019, Technical Program Co-chair; Theme 10 (BHI) Co-chair
- EMBC 2018, International Program Committee member and Theme 10 (BHI) Co-chair
- EMBC 2015, organizer of pre-conference workshop entitled “Advances and challenges in cardiovascular ultrasound”
- EMBC 2015, Speaker in mini-symposium entitled “Point Of Care Technologies”
- BHI 2017, Steering committee member and Workshops and Tutorials Chair; Introduced templates for special session and workshop proposal submission
- IEEE IST 2016, Steering committee member
- Invited keynote talks on AI in Healthcare (IEEE-UAE Distinguished Seminar Series, MIE 2021, Bodynets 2021 etc.)
- Contributed review articles in EMBS-RMBE, JBHI, TBME journals
- Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (IEEE-TBME)
- Founding Associate Editor of the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (IEEE-JBHI)
- Member of the Editorial Board of the IFMBE Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (Springer-MBEC)
- Guest-Editor of special issues in IEEE TAP (Aug 2019), JBHI (2016, 2019), TBME (Dec 2015); Elsevier MBEC (2015) on biomedical engineering subjects
- Reviewer of technical papers in several journals and conferences (ΙΕΕΕ Transactions on, MTT, AP, AWPL, EMC, I&M, AIM, BMC Bioinformatics, Medical Image Analysis, Physics in Medicine and Biology, etc.)
Research Interests:
- Bioinformatics
- Computational biology
- Wearable sensors
- Time-series omics studies
- Machine/deep learning
- Algorithms
- Personalized health/medicine
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement:
- To impower Bioinformatics/Computational Biology Young professional (YP) community at all EMBS venues
- To develop EMBS YP career webinar series
- To establish collaborative channels/partnerships with clinical organizations such as APSA and AMA to open a dialog and tap into a flow of unmet needs/ideas/data/problems that can benefit all members of EMBS YP community
Research Interests:
- Machine Learning for Personalized Health
- Clinical, Cardiovascular Outcomes Research
- Observational Treatment Comparative Effectiveness
- Real-time, Interpretable Clinical Decision Support
- Personalized Remote and Wearable Sensing for Longitudinal Monitoring
- Wearable sensing and analytics
- Real-time, longitudinal monitoring
- Translational research for clinical application
- Uncertainty-aware machine learning
- Model growing and adaptation
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement and Plan:
- To help the BHI-TC and BSN-TC leadership team in assisting with activity planning.
- To propose a clinical abstracts submission track (+ associated clinical journal special issue) for BHI to integrate clinicians into the community further.
- To assist in the planning and organization of the BHI and BSN conferences.
- To rise to Associate editor positions at J-BHI.
- To incorporate into the BHI-TC as much as the BSN-TC (WBSS) and assist as leadership needs.
Professor, Director of Biomedical Engineering Research Centre, FIEEE, FIAMBE, FEAMBES, FIET
Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus
Biomedical and Health Informatics Research Interests:
- eHealth, mHealth, eEmergency, Connected Health
- Medical Image Analysis: MRI, Ultrasound, Endoscopy, Microscopy
- Computational Intelligence and Explainable AI in Medical Systems
- Biosignal Analysis: Eelectromyography
- mHealth interventions based on X Reality applications
IEEE EMBS Activity Planning and Involvement:
- To assist BHI-TC to strengthen its position as a key player in the shaping of the rapidly growing area of biomedical and health informatics
- To help BHI-TC promoting lectures and webinars on state of the art subjects, as well as expand on outreach activities via open lectures in the area of biomedical and health informatics
- To help BHI-TC promoting the development of digital library, enriched with on-line short and regular courses, webinars, algorithms, open source code and data sets repository on biomedical and health informatics topics
- To assist BHI-BSN steering committee in further promoting the impact and reputation of this special topic conference
- To assist JBHI editor-in-chief in further promoting the journal impact
Research Interests:
- Behavioral Informatics – Monitoring, assessment , AI-based modeling, inference and intervention (MAMII) – delivering solutions supporting behavior change
- Multi-scale computational dynamical modeling and prediction of behaviors, cognitive and sensory-motor processes and their interactions
- Dynamical modeling of emotional states and interoception
- Data Science – Combining data-driven and mechanistic, causal models
- mHealth – mobile and wearable sensing and model-based inference and intervention for proactive care
- Home care for healthy aging and individuals with neurodegenerative disease
- Rehabilitation based on dynamical modeling and robotics
- Augmenting human abilities using game-based training and transcranial stimulation
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement:
- Associate editor for EMBC
- Member of the BHI committee
Research Interests:
- Maternal and prenatal health
- Translation of data science, micro-electronics and wireless technology innovations into novel health and lifestyle applications, with a focus on miniaturization, ultra-low-power consumption, connectivity and wear-ability.
- Body sensor network technologies, systems and applications
- Algorithms, machine learning and data science for wearable sensors
- Translation of biomedical and health informatics and technologies in innovative healthcare products and services that empower patients, including clinical, usability and regulatory validation
- Convergence of consumer and healthcare, and acceleration of medical discoveries through consumer generated data.
EMBS Activity Involvement and Plan:
- IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics: Associate Editor
- BHI 2021 conference: Industrial liaison Co-Chair
- BSN 2021 conference: Member of the Technical Program Committee
- Associate Editor for the IEEE EMBS Conference Editorial Board (CEB) for 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer and Information Science and Engineering, University of Florida
Research Interests:
- Medical Artificial Intelligence
- Intelligent Critical Care systems
- Trajectory Prediction using Physiological and Clinical Data
- Pervasive Monitoring using Visual Cues
- Pain Monitoring
- Intelligent Intraoperative Systems
- Intelligent Critical Care systems
- In-community mHealth monitoring systems
- mHealth tools for older adults
- mHealth data integration with clinical data
- In-community mHealth monitoring systems
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement:
- I would be happy to help as needed, including but not limited to:
- To assist BHI Editors as needed
- To assist in BHI-TC Committee tasks
Research Interests:
- Behavioral Sensor Informatics
- Wearable Sensor Systems for Monitoring of Human Behavior
- Informatics of Diet and Ingestive Behavior
- Informatics of Smoking Assessment and Cessation
- Informatics of Physical Activity Assessment
- Modeling of Human Behavior
- Contextual analysis in Assistive Robotics
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement:
- BHI/BSN TC member
- EMBS representative to IEEE Sensors Council
- Help with BHI/BSN conference organization
- Special Session organizer at EMBC, BHI
- Associate Editor for Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering
FAIMBE, FAAPM, FSPIE, FAAAS, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Research Interests:
- Artificial Intelligence in Health
- Clinical text analytics
- Medical imaging informatics
- Digital epidemiology
- Clinical Decision Support Systems
- Scalable Data-Driven Knowledge Discovery from Multi-modal Health Data
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement:
- To support BHI-TC in developing a high quality program for the annual BHI conference
- To support BHI steering committee in organizing and delivering a highly recognized conference with increasing attendance and high-caliber, diverse speakers
- To assist BHI Editors in ensuring high quality journal publications
- To support EMBS as a Distinguished Lecturer (2019-20)
Professor, Director of Big Data Initiative, Departments of BME and ECE, IBB, IPaT, Winship Cancer Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Kavli Fellow, FAIMBE, FIAMBE, Georgia Cancer Coalition Distinguished Scholar, Petit Institute Faculty Fellow, Carol Ann and David D Flanagan Faculty Fellow, and Board of Directors in American Board of AI in Medicine.
Research Interests:
- Big Data Analytics and AI for pHealth (Personalized, Predictive, Preventive, and Precision Health)
- Next generation sequencing and –omic data bioinformatics,
- Microscopic imaging informatics,
- Acute/chronic/genetics health informatics & mobile-health
- Public health informatics
- Health and Clinical Decision Support System
- Bionanoinformatics;
- Dynamic Systems Modeling for Prediction: molecular and population
IEEE EMBS Activity Planning:
- To assist BHI-TC leadership team in collecting thoughts from large community to plan for annual BHI activities;
- To layout BHI-TC growth roadmap, and to execute with core leadership team;
- To assist BHI-BSN steering committee in improving quality and reputation of special topic conference in BHI;
- To assist JBHI editor-in-chief in improving quality and reputation of the journal;
- To build partnership of BHI with other EMBS TCs and other S/Cs; and
- To train next new leaders for long term growth of BHI.
- To continually serve as the and EMBC Theme-10 Co-Chair.
Selected Recent EMBS Activities:
- BHI2021 and BHI2022 Co-Chair
- BHI-BSN Steering Committee (2017-2019)
- TBME Associate Editor (2017-Present)
- EMBS ExCom (2017-2019)
- 2016 EMBS Annual Conference Co-Chair
- EMBS AdCom (2015-2016)
- BHI Special Topic Conference Steering Committee Chair (2014-2016)
- JBHI Senior Editor (2014-Present)
- RBME Associate Editor (2009-Present)
Director of TT & WF Chao Center for BRAIN and Director of Advanced Cellular and Tissue Imaging Core Lab, Houston Methodist Research Institute; Chair, Systems Medicine and Bioengineering Department and Associate Director of Houston Methodist Cancer Center; Professor of Radiology, Neuroscience, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Cornell University; Professor of Experimental Therapeutics, Neuroscience, and Biomedical informatics, Texas A&M Health Sciences Center
Houston Methodist, Weill Cornell Medicine, and TAMU
Research Interests:
- Systems Biology/Systems Medicine
- Biomedical and Image Informatics
- Translational Biophotonics
- Cancer and Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery
- Cancer Theranostics
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement:
- Steering committee of IEEE Journal of Biomedical Informatics
- Steering committee of IEEE EMBS BHI-BSN conferences
- Past Chair of BHI TC
- Past Steering Committee of IEEE JBHI and IEEE/ACM Trans on Computational Biology and Informatics
- Reviewers of IEEE EMBS journals and transactions.
- Provide consultation to EMBS leaderships in healthcare industry trends and partnership.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA; College of Science and Engineering, Hamad bin Khalifa University (HBKU), Doha, Qatar.
Research Interest:
- Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Network Biology
- Machine learning, Pattern Recognition, Probabilistic Graphical Models
- Signal Processing, Image Processing
- Health informatics
Observing Members
Research Interests:
His current research interests include medical instrumentation, biomedical signal processing, wearable sensors and devices including use of smart phones for vital signs and monitoring cardiac arrhythmias, development of hydrophobic vital sign sensors and identification and modeling of physiological systems.
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement and Plan:
- To seve as a BHI-TC Observing Member
- To serve as BHI-AE if needed
- To serve as a session organizer for BHI conference
Research Interests:
- Unobtrusive monitoring and ambient sensing
- Home care, work
- Physiological signal processing
- BCG, ECG, EEG, others
- Medical devices
- Point of care devices
- Simulators, phantoms, interactive models
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement and Plan:
- To continue supporting TC on Standards as secretary and alternate co-chair
- To continue participation in TC on TEHI
- To promote EMBS in my section
- To organize educational activities such as student conferences, summer schools and webinars
John S. Dunn Distinguished Endowed Chair Professor & Department Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering;
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Univ. of Houston
Research Interests:
- Neuroengineering, Neurogenesis, Neural Informatics
- Developing an intelligent wearable system for detecting coronary artery disease
- Investigate the effect of nicotine on the dynamics of ventral tegmental area (VTA) dopamine neural networks as well as the detection of coronary occlusions.
Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Harvard Medical School; Associate Faculty Member, Wyss Institute, Harvard University; Adjunct Professor, MGH Institute of Health Professions; Adjunct Professor, College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Boston University
Dept of PM&R, Harvard Medical School at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Boston MA, USA
Research Interests:
- Mobile Health
- Wearable Sensors and Systems
- Machine Learning
- Rehabilitation Robotics
EMBS Activity Involvement and Plan:
- EMBS NER’21 Program Chair
- EMBS BSN2021 Conference Chair
- EMB Conf Editorial Board, Theme 7 Editor
- IEEE OJEMB, Founding EiC
- IEEE JBHI, Advisory Board Member
- IEEE EMBS Grand Challenges Forum, Data Science in Engineering and Healthcare, Chair Symposium on Digital Health
Research Interests:
- Machine learning for healthcare applications
- Sensor informatics in healthcare, including m-health / digital health
- Deep learning, Bayesian inference
- Translation of research into healthcare settings
- Commercialisation of Clinical AI
- Healthcare technologies for low- and middle-income (LMIC) settings
- Oxford research labs established in “AI for Healthcare” in the UK, China, and Vietnam
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement:
- Supporting the EMBS Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI) committee
- Co-organising conferences in BHI for the IEEE
- Co-organising special issues of BHI-related IEEE journals
- Assisting editors in driving up the quality of submissions for conferences & journals
CTO, Professor - Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland
Contact Email:
Biomedical and Health Informatics Research Interests:
- Personal Health Informatics
- Behavioral Informatics
- Wearable Sensors
- Heart Rate Variability and Physiological Modelling
- eHealth/mHealth
- Commercialization
Director, Joint Research Centre in AI for Health and Wellness, Professor - Faculty of Engineering and IT, University of Technology, Sydney
Research Interests:
Big Data analytics, stream computing, artificial intelligence and deep learning, internet of things, serious games, edge computing and cloud computing.
Application domains:
critical care medicine, mental health, autonomous astronaut monitoring for long range missions, military and paramilitary tactical resilience training, firefighter resilence training, extreme environments
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement:
- 2020 VP Elect Members and Student Activities
- 2020 Co-Chair IEEE EMBS Annual Conference (EMBC)
- 2018-19 Past Chair IEEE Life Sciences Technical Community
- 2018-19 Co-Chair IEEE Life Science Conference
- 2016-17 Chair IEEE Life Sciences Technical Community
- 2015 Vice Chair IEEE Life Sciences Technical Community
- 2009-14 EMBS Adcom Canadian Representative
- 2009-12 EMBS Women in Engineering Representative
- 2006 Founding Chair, EMBS NSW Chapter
Foundation for Living, Wellness, and Health;
The Healthcare Technology Foundation;
Research Professor, Villanova University
Research Interests:
Electronic medical records, medical device interoperability, system of systems engineering, mHealth, eHealth, pHealth, uHealth, patient safety, regulatory compliance, standards, conformance testing, product safety, product certification, process engineering and re-engineering, project management, quality improvement, quality management, engineering management, medical device and record security and compliance, wireless in healthcare; wearable sensors, IoT, ML/AI/CDSS, diversity, equity, access, digital health divide, population health
Education and learning interests:
Hackathons and virtual learning labs for grad and undergrad students in the above areas, and development and presentation of lifelong career learning opportunities for practicing engineers and clinicians.
IEEE EMBS technical activities as a BHI-TC member:
- Will continue to work on and support IEEE 11073 medical device interoperability standards, as well as Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise Device Domain & Continua Standards and related HL7 FHIR and aligned IHE standards
- Developing Health Informatics Graduate Courses and Post Graduate Certificates with Villanova University, IFMBE CED, GCEA, and WHO
- Developing related Virtual Training Laboratories and Hackathons for mHealth, IoT
Research Interests:
- cardiovascular health engineering,
- unobtrusive sensing and wearable devices,
- neural network modeling and
- pHealth technologies
IEEE EMBS Activities Involvement:
- EiC for IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering
- Chair of IEEE 1708 WG
- Panel Member of IEEE Medal on Health Technology
- Advisory Committee of IEEE Open Access Journal on EMB
- Editorial Board member of IEEE T-BME
- Advisory Committee of IEEE J-BHI
- Advisor for IEEE-BHI conference series
BHI-TC Webmaster
PhD Student,
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology & Emory University School of Medicine
Research Interests:
- AI Clinical Decision Making Assistance
- Interoperable Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems
- Data Mining and Causal Inference
IEEE Activities Involvement:
- To Update COVID-19 Educational Content in the BHI-TC Website;
- To Assist BHI-TC Chair with Gathering Expertise and Volunteering Interest in Biomedical Informatics;
- To Promote BHI Activities in Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic;
- To Manage and Distribute Content for the BHI-TC Website;
- To Promote and Organize BHI-TC Student Activities
PhD Student, National Science Foundation GRFP Fellow
Affiliation: Department of Biomedical Engineering, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University
Research Interests:
- High-performance computing
- Fluid dynamics
- Biomedical and health informatics
- Cardiovascular fluid mechanics
- Cancer metastasis and cell migration
- Epidemiology and public health
IEEE EMBS Activities and Involvement:
- To Update COVID-19 Educational Content in the BHI-TC Website;
- To Assist BHI-TC Chair with Gathering Expertise and Volunteering Interest in Biomedical Informatics;
- To Promote BHI Activities in Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic;
- To Manage and Distribute Content for the BHI-TC Website;
- To Promote and Organize BHI-TC Student Activities