Technical Committee Chair and Vice Chair
Research Interests: Neuroengineering, Neuroprosthetics; Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMI); Translational BMI, BMI-based neurorehabilitation
Research Interests: Neuroengineering, Neurorobotics, Closed-loop electrophysiology, Neurodynamics and plasticity of neuronal assemblies, Micro-Electrode Array (MEA)-based platforms for neuropharmacology and neurotoxicology, Developing closed-loop neural interface systems for i) neurorobotics (hybrid systems); ii) neuroprosthetics (brain repair), Signal processing tools for multi-electrode acquisition. Neurorehabilitation after focal brain injury in in vitro and in vivo models
Committee Members
Research Interests: Neuroengineering, Neurogenesis, Neural Informatics, Investigate the effect of nicotine on the dynamics of ventral tegmental area (VTA) dopamine neural networks
Research Interests: Neural engineering, Biomedical signal processing
Research Interests: 1) Modeling of Biological Systems, Biomedical Signal Processing, Cardiovascular Control and Cardiorespiratory Systems Analysis, Autonomic Nervous System, Heart Rate Variability, Brain Imaging and the Central Autonomic Network, Computational Neuroscience, Neural Encoding and Decoding. 2)Processing and modeling of neural data for advanced neurotechnologies for Brain Initiatives.3) Investigate central autonomic network dynamics through multimodal neuroimaging (e.g., EEG/MEG coupled to f-MRI) and cardiovascular signal processing. 4)Develop an instantaneous assessment of autonomic dynamics for accurate and noninvasive physiological monitoring in critical care and pain medicine, for timely diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, and to provide biomarkers of pathological states such as depression, bipolar disorder, autism, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Research Interests: 1) mathematical models of the functional properties of the hippocampus, 2) experimental studies of cellular/molecular mechanisms of synaptic plasticity and its effects on the hippocampus at the network and systems levels, 3) developing hardware (FPGA, VLSI) implementations of experimentally-based models of hippocampal neurons and neural networks, 4) developing and applying silicon-based multi-site electrode technology, and 5) application of biologically-based neural network models for neural prostheses to restore cognitive function after brain damage or degenerative disease.
Research Interests: Neuroengineering, Neuromodulation, High-fidelity automatic noise cancelling biopotential sensors, Development of tripolar concentric ring electrode electroencephalography system, Bidirectional brain computer interfaces for epilepsy and movement impairments, Laplacian electrocardiography
Research Interests: Neuroengineering, Systems Neuroscience, Systems Medicine and Bioinformatics, Developing Cognitive Assistive Devices, Augmented and Immersive Virtual Reality for the Cognitive Rehabilitation, Systems Science Approach of Brain Analysis; from Gene Networks to Brain Networks
Research Interests: Biomedical signal processing, Multimodal fusion of signals and images in the functional study of the Central Nervous System, Study of quantitative interactions between the Central Nervous System and the Autonomic Nervous System, Neurorehabilitation using advanced technologies
Research Interests: Neuroengineering, Wearable Technology, Developing screening techniques based on motor learning principles to assess the suitability of robotics to retrain motor functions in subjects with motor impairments, Developing systems relying upon wearable technology to monitor patients in the home and community settings and facilitate the management of long-term conditions
Research Interests: Research into the development and clinical evaluation of technologies in neuro-rehabilitation, Research into the mechanisms of sensory-motor recovery following stroke; In collaboration with Health Psychologists; research into motivation adherence in neurological rehabilitation and barriers to adoption of new technologies. Creating an impact on stroke rehabilitation that will lead towards intensive, evidence-based and cost-effective, therapy, using state-of-the-art technology.
Research Interests: Neural Engineering: brain-machine interfaces; algorithms for closed-loop decoder adaptation; neuroprosthetic systems; neural ensemble computation. Systems & Cognitive Neuroscience: large-scale neural circuit dynamics during learning; neural mechanisms of action; motor control; neuroplasticity.
Research Interests: Neuroengineering, EEG signal analysis: direct and inverse problem, Determination of epileptic foci through analysis of scalp EEG signals as well as in-depth recordings, Deep brain stimulation, Connectivity studies through parametric and non-parametric approaches, Fusion EEG/fMRI in cerebral clinical studies. Multimodality and integration between Central and Autonomic Nervous Systems: fusion of Heart Rate Variability parameters with fMRI
Research Interests: Neuroengineering, Neurorobotics, Closed-loop electrophysiology, Neurodynamics and plasticity of neuronal assemblies, Micro-Electrode Array (MEA)-based platforms for neuropharmacology and neurotoxicology, Developing closed-loop neural interface systems for i) neurorobotics (hybrid systems); ii) neuroprosthetics (brain repair), Signal processing tools for multi-electrode acquisition. Neurorehabilitation after focal brain injury in in vitro and in vivo models
Research Interests: Point-of-Care Technologies, Medical Imaging, Multi-Modality Brain Tissue Characterization, Pattern Recognition, Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Translational Engineering
Research Interests: Neuroengineering, Neurogenomics, Neural mechanism of addiction, Neural signal processing, Computaional neural modeling
Research Interests: Neuroengineering, Neural Prosthetics, Neuromodulation, Neural Interfacing with the peripheral nerve, Seizure detection and control
Research Interests: Neuroengineering, Biomedical signal processing, Modeling, Neurorehabilitation, Neurophysiology of movement, Motor Control; Human-machine interfacing; Bionic reconstruction; Translating academic research in myoelectric prostheses into clinical products; Developing a neuromodulator system for stroke therapy based on brain-computer interfacing; Filling the gap between our knowledge on the neural control of movement and the functional (biomechanical) aspects of movement; Developing real-time, accurate, neuro-musculo-skeletal models and applications in neurotechnologies.
Research Interests: Neuroengineering, Neuromodulation, Brain-Machine Interfaces; Developing closed-loop deep brain stimulators for movement disorders in humans; Studying neurological disorders with single unit activity and local field potentials (LFP) in humans; Developing closed-loop neural interface systems for restoration of motor and sensory function in the human PNS; Human systems neuroscience using electrocorticography (ECoG)
Research Interests: Brain computer interface, Functional neuroimaging, Multimodal neuroimaging
Research Interests: Neural basis of decision making under uncertainty, functional neuroimaging (fMRI/EEG)
Research Interests: Visual prosthesis design, development and clinical evaluation including computational modelling, neuromodulation, two-photon imaging of cellular responses to neurostimulation, in vivo testing; Implantable bionics including microelectronic design, encapsulation and sensing technologies; Tactile sensing technologies
Research Interests: Neuroengineering, Neuroprosthetics, Brain-Machine Interfaces; Neuro-controlled bidirectional artificial limbs; Developing closed-loop neural interface systems for restoration of motor and sensory function; Developing novel implantable neural interfaces with the PNS; Neurorehabilitation after stroke using advanced technologies
Research Interests: Neural Engineering and Rehabilitation; Wearable Robotics in Neurorehabilitation; Neuroprothetics, Bioelectrical activity signal processing
Research Interests: Neuroengineering, Neuroprosthetics, Brain-Machine Interfaces; Developing closed-loop neural interface systems for restoration of motor, sensory, neuropsychiatric, and memory function; Developing next-generation input/output interfaces with the nervous system
Research Interests: Development of systems-based neurotherapies to both treat neural pathologies and to better understand the neural mechanisms responsible through data-driven models and analysis; deep brain stimulation; neurotechnologies and paradigms for expanding the set of neurological disorders treated with brain-machine interfaces and neuroprosthetic devices
Research Interests: Neurophysiology in neurological disorders; Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease; Epilepsy: seizure detection and localization of the epileptogenic zone; Brain-Machine Interfaces; Non-motor area neural correlates of movement; Neural correlates of decision-making; EEG markers for sleep disorders
Research Interests: Selective Attention & Cognitive Effort; Auditory Processing & Perception, Related to Engineering Methods: Neural Signal & Image Processing; Computational Multiscale Neuromodeling; Hybrid Multiscale Neuroimaging Techniques Related to Applications: Neurocybernetic Hearing Systems, Neurocognitive Human-Machine Interaction, Cognitive Monitoring in Interactive Virtual Environments, Neurodiagnostic & Therapeutic Devices
Research Interests: Neuroengineering, Neural Implants, Biocompatible Assembling and Packaging; Developing of miniaturized implants to interface the peripheral and central nervous system; Record natural sensor information for electrical interventions, e.g. blood pressure
Research Interests: Developing an intelligent wearable system for detecting Parkinson’s disease; Developing tools to enhance rehabilitation in the home: Wearable, sensor-based and embedded technologies to track older people’s activities to give them and their carers feedback about their wellbeing and rehabilitation; Technology to support social interaction among older people: communication through virtual and augmented reality; context-sensitive interaction; ramification; Development and evaluation of computer-based neuro-psychological test
Research Interests: Neural Engineering, Human Cell patterning, Multi-Electrode Arrays, Biosensors, Nanotechnology, Laser Stimulation of Cells, Optogenetics, Signal & Image Processing, Wavelets, Chaos Theory, Artificial Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Computational Neuroscience.
Research Interests: Neural computation, Brain-Machine Interfaces, Neuromorphic engineering,; Adaptive signal processing, information theoretical learning, reinforcement learning; Tracking the non-stationary neural system and shaping neuroplasticity