Guadalajara, Mexico in Nov ’21.
This full-day workshop is organized and provided by the EMBS Cardiopulmonary Systems and Physiology-Based Engineering Technical Committee and is geared toward undergraduate and early graduate students entering the field of cardiorespiratory systems engineering. We draw from our collective teaching experience and research interests to convey fundamental cardiorespiratory physiology, modeling, and elements of signal processing. The workshop is divided in two sessions. Cardiovascular physiology and modeling are covered in the morning session, and respiratory physiology and modeling in the afternoon. Each session includes lectures with topics ranging from normal physiology, modeling, and some aspects of domain-specific signal processing, highlighting the importance of understanding physiology, for 1) research, deepening the understanding of normal physiology; 2) clinical application, providing some exemplary insights into pathophysiology; and 3) clinical translation through an understanding of physiology-based medical device development and products.