Big Data Analytics for IoT Healthcare

Big Data Analytics for IoT Healthcare 150 150 Wearable Biomedical Sensors & Systems (WBSS)

Dear colleagues,

Glad to announce that we’ll organize a symposium on:
Big Data Analytics for IoT Healthcare:

At the 2017 IEEE GlobalSIP:

Montreal, Canada
Nov 14-16, 2017
KEYNOTE SPEAKER:  Wendy Nilsen, Ph.D., Program Director for the Smart and Connected Health (SCH) and Smart and Connected Community (S&CC) at National Science Foundation (NSF), USA.

We invite you to submit your research articles and participate in this new community. Please feel free to contact our team if there are any questions.

Thank you,
Organizers of the symposium

General Co-Chairs:
Kunal Mankodiya, University of Rhode Island, USA ()
Yan Lindsay Sun, University of Rhode Island, USA ()

Technical Committee Chair
Geng Yang, Zhejiang University, China ()

Publication Chair
Amir Amiri, Temple University, USA ()


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