The organizing committee of the 1st International Symposium on Sensing and Instrumentation in IoT Era have the privilege and honor to invite you to join us at this meeting that will take place in Shanghai, China, from 6 to 7 September 2018.
The Shanghai Maritime University in cooperation with the IEEE Instrumentation Measurement Society, Shanghai Computer Society, Instituto Universitário deLisboa and Instituto de Telecomunicações organize this important scientific event that will be held at the Shanghai Grand Trust Purple Mountain Hotel, located in the Lujiazui Financial and Trade zone in Shanghai, China.
We are working hard to organize an outstanding scientific and educational congress to facilitate the spread and exchange of knowledge and skills between experts, IoT developers, academic scientists, researchers, and research scholars.
We will do our best for having the active participation of the prestigious international professionals with expertise and scientific recognition.
The scientific and social program will be carefully planned. You will feel warmly received in Shanghai, China.
We are looking forward to meet you in Shanghai, 2018.
April 25 – Special Session Workshop & Proposals Deadline
May 1 – Paper Submission Deadline
May 22 – Paper Acceptance Notification Deadline
June 15 – Camera-ready Submission & Early Registration Deadline
Sept 6-7 – ISSI 2018, Shanghai,China